1. What is screen and literature tourism?
Screen tourism is when a visitor wants to go to a particular location because it has a connection to a certain film or TV series. This is similar to literary tourism, where a place attracts people because it has become associated with an author or a place within their work.
Screen tourism is known by many other names, among which film tourism, set-setting, and film-induced tourism. But at its heart, it's always about providing a visitor with a personal experience of a place they're familiar with through film or TV.
Stories are intertwined through the fabric of Scotland, its landscape, heritage, culture, and people. These have contributed and inspired writers to chronicle real events or weave myths and create legends. They are also at the heart of the tourism experience.
The use of stories by destinations and tourism businesses does increasingly:
- attract people’s attention
- create an emotional connection
- make destinations stand out in a sea of content and advertising