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Visit Scotland | Alba

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Our corporate services directorate keep the organisation running and look after our health and safety.

They manage, and are responsible for various different teams. These include governance, facilities and resilience, procurement, information technology, finance, and legal matters.

Facilities and procurement are also responsible for the organisation's property portfolio.

Corporate Governance and Performance

Led by Michelle Lavery, the team is responsible for governance within VisitScotland. This includes the creation and development of our:

  • strategic framework
  • risk management
  • internal audit
  • financial planning processes

The team also oversees portfolio management. This is to to support VisitScotland in delivering a complex series of related projects. But also to provide guidance in effectively managing our interdependencies and allocating resources.

The management and ongoing development of two key business systems (Oracle and SCRM) also sits within this team.


Led by Steven Speedie, this team is responsible for:

  • estates strategy and planning
  • continued maintenance and compliance work programme
  • key performance indicator management
  • project management for capital development
  • organisational health and safety support
  • strategic planning for major risks and business continuity events
  • promoting sustainability strategy and social responsibility

Financial Services

Led by Anne-Marie Greer, the financial services team ensures the:

  • delivery of financial control and provision of accounting services
  • annual accounts and treasury management
  • maintenance of the relationship with Scottish Government in relation to Grant in Aid provided by them

Information Technology

Led by Mike Slack, the IT team provide secure, robust and effective technology services and innovation. This is to drive efficiency and improvement throughout the organisation. This includes:

  • business system development and support
  • internal infrastructure
    • servers
    • storage and SANs, voice and data networks
    • cloud and virtual environments
    • security and virus protection
  • service desk support
  • management of all user devices


Led by Billy Hislop, the procurement function supports our corporate plan. It does so through sustainable and efficient procurement of goods and services. Thus, the organisation develops collaborative working partnerships, whilst meeting statutory obligations.

Director of Corporate Services - Ken Neilson

Born and raised in Kilmarnock, Ken is a chartered accountant and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS). He has extensive experience as both a finance and general management director.

After graduating from Glasgow University, Ken joined KPMG. There, he completed his chartered accountancy training.

He worked in many roles in organisations which were undergoing big changes through integration or growth. These included:

  • British Aerospace
  • Life Technologies
  • Serologicals Ltd.

Ken joined VisitScotland in 2004 . In addition to his current portfolio, he led the following teams:

  • HR
  • Digital and Development
  • Business Planning
  • Improvement Teams

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