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VisitScotland / Luigi Di Pasquale

Responsible tourism

Insights into the visitor economy

It is vital that we rebuild Scotland's visitor economy in a responsible and inclusive way. This is to ensure that our industry thrives and that tourism enriches our communities. In this section, you can find research undertaken with our communities and visitors in Scotland. It explores people's attitudes towards travelling more sustainably and adopting sustainable holiday behaviours. It also delves into the perceived role of tourism on climate change and the impact of tourism on communities.

We are dedicated to protect our planet for future generations. This means keeping tourism both sustainable and responsible. Read more about our commitment in our Destination Net Zero climate action plan.

Read our climate action plan

We are gathering intelligence and insight into visitor behaviours, and their views on the impact of tourism. This will help to inform our strategic decision making and business planning.

Our research supports wider work underway with local communities. This will help visitors enjoy Scotland responsibly.

You can find further information on this work by reading our responsible visitor guide for businesses.

Browse our responsible visitor guide