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Our latest annual report covers activity delivered through the 2022-2023 financial year.

Our focus was on continuing to drive demand for and support destinations and businesses. We have supported the rebuilding of the visitor economy in a responsible way, to ensure that tourism thrives.

Group annual report and accounts 2022-2023

This year, we were operating within the culture of delivery set out in the Scottish Government's National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET). This was done through our marketing, events, destination development and business support strategies.

Much of this work was delivered through collaboration that is threaded through all that we do at VisitScotland.

Annual report and accounts 2023

Published December 2023

VisitScotland annual report and financial statements for the year ending 31 March 2023.

Aithisg bhliadhnail agus cunntasan 2023

Published February 2024

VisitScotland aithisg bhiadhnail agus cunntasan buidheann airson na bliadhna a chrìochnaich air 31 Màrt 2023

Highlights from the 2022-2023 annual report

  • Scotland is Calling

    Scotland is Calling campaign activity led to an attributed booking value of $8.1 million and over 45,600 room nights.

  • Industry support

    We connected 298 international travel intermediaries with 324 trade-ready Scottish suppliers.

  • Dandelion

    589,000 people took part in over 1,000 live events as part of Dandeliion (Scotland's contribution to Unboxed, a celebration of creativity across the UK).

  • Cycling World Championships

    We launched of the volunteer programme for the UCI Cycling World Championships.

  • Staff survey

    Our staff survey achieved a response rate of 87% with an engagement score of 74%.

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