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EventScotland regularly talks to Police Scotland in relation to Scotland’s events and festivals. Torquil MacLeod, VisitScotland’s Senior Industry Development and Engagement Manager, coordinates this relationship.

Police Scotland’s approach to events has changed in recent years. This includes the:

  • cost recovery from organisers for the deployment of officers where appropriate
  • police resources in the planning and delivery of events

1. Working with Police Scotland

  • When to contact Police Scotland

    It's always important for event organisers, landowners, and local authorities to engage with Police Scotland.

    They should do this at the earliest opportunity. This will allow the police to provide appropriate support to maximise public safety at events.

  • Organising parades and marches

    In case of a parades or marches, it's Police Scotland’s role to support local authorities in their decision making about whether these can go ahead.

    If a parade or march is authorised, police and other stakeholders will plan any relevant police response.

  • Temporary traffic regulation orders

    It is the responsibility of the event organiser or landowner to apply for any temporary traffic regulation order. Such an order is required to run an event.

    You can apply for one by contacting the relevant local authority. Because of statutory notification periods, it's best to do so as early as possible.

  • Police Scotland's code of ethics

    Police Scotland has a code of ethics. This sets out the standards the organisation expects from all who contribute to policing in Scotland.

    This code of ethics underpins all decision making and activity. It comprises of integrity, fairness, respect, and human rights. It applies to the event planning process as it does any other police function.

  • Police Scotland's cost recovery

    The Scottish Police Authority reviews charges for the provision of police services. These are applied each year on 1 April. These charges are reviewed in line with guidance provided by the Scottish public finance manual.

2. Roles and responsibilities at events

Police Scotland work closely in support of local authorities and event organisers on many issues. It's good to enquire beforehand about who has which role and responsibilities before and during an event.

For example, you may see event security as the responsibility of the police. However, this would actually come under the remit of an event organiser with support from Police Scotland.

Find out more about organising an event on

Consult the Purple Guide for health, safety, and welfare at outdoor events on

Consult the Green Guide for safety at sports grounds on


During the planning process of an event, organisers are likely to meet and work with officers and staff from Police Scotland.

Each event with police involvement will have an allocated police planner. They will support and co-ordinate engagement with partners and the delivery of the event itself.

Depending on the scale of the event, the local authority might establish a safety advisory group to meet with the event organiser. This group will consist other stakeholders, such as:

  • the local authority
  • the Scottish Ambulance Service
  • the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • stewarding or security companies
  • local businesses

3. Working with counter terrorism

ProtectUK is a ground-breaking partnership. It brings together the knowledge of policing, the private sector and public sector.

This helps to better inform businesses and the public on the threat of, and the best practices to mitigate against, terrorism.

ProtectUK is a central hub for counter terrorism and security advice provides:

  • the latest information and guidance
  • security risk management support
  • award-winning Action Counter Terrorism (ACT) awareness e-learning courses to bolster security knowledge
  • news updates on the world of counter terrorism, threat analysis, and on the ProtectUK platform
  • access to live or pre-recorded webinars with advice from authoritative voices within the industry

Downloading the ProtectUK app onto personal devices is also encouraged. This is particularly for those who are working at events or visitor locations where employees don’t have access to work mobile devices.

Find more information on

4. Further security information and advice

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