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Our corporate plan outlines our vision and how we will achieve our corporate objectives. It directly supports the Scottish Government’s econom ic strategies. It also reflects our purpose to drive the visitor economy, growing its value to Scotland. 

It's vital that everyone involved in tourism works in partnership during these challenging economic times. We can then identify and realise the opportunities which exist to deliver sustainable economic growth now and in the future.

Our corporate plan 2024-2025

Published April 2024

Ar plana corporra 2024-2025

Published May 2024

Our core purpose and vision

Our core purpose is to drive the visitor economy, growing its value to Scotland.

Our vision is to contribute to a vibrant and dynamic visitor economy, creating better places for people to live, work and visit.

In delivering this vision, we align our activities with the strategic framework.

Our strategic framework

The strategic framework is our organisational blueprint as the national tourism organisation. It summarises the scope of the work we will carry out between 2024 and 2027.

Read our strategic framework

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