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As part of the Year of Coasts and Waters 20/21, we took a closer look at some of the businesses and organisations who made the most of the water wellness trend.

Sally Gale, Business Development & Marketing Manager at The Coig, shared her experiences of being part of the Year of Coasts and Waters 20/21.

Tell us about your organisation and how it aligns to the Year of Coasts and Waters 20/21

The Coig is a series of five touring routes across the region of Ayrshire and the Clyde islands of Cumbrae, Arran and Bute. The destination offers opportunities for visitors and locals to enjoy our islands, coasts and countryside via a wide variety of outdoor activities and heritage experiences. The Coig is part of the umbrella organisation of the Ayrshire and Arran Destination Alliance.

The Year of Coasts and Waters 20/21 is reflected in our social media content on our website and our mobile app. Our marketing campaigns have inspired both visitors and locals to experience our coasts and waters and as the only touring routes in Scotland that consists of three separate island routes, the Year of Coast and Waters 20/21 couldn’t be more appropriate to our organisation.

A view of Scalpsie Bay on the Isle of Bute

How does water wellness relate to your organisation and your stakeholders?

Water wellness really resonates with our audience online, our partner businesses, and of course our local communities.

As a destination comprising of three Clyde islands and the beautiful Ayrshire coast, there are plenty of opportunities for visitors to stop and experience the benefits of being by the water, whether that be inland or at the seaside.

VisitScotland’s Water Wellness campaign was an easy one for us to get behind and the trend for water wellness is evident across our entire region.

How have you engaged with VisitScotland’s water wellness campaign?

The Coig has shared a number of social media posts engaging with the water wellness campaign.

With our Facebook post linking to the VisitScotland supported Signal-on-Sea event page we achieved well above average reach (66,083) with 2,963 engagements, and other posts include a Facebook post linked to our Calm Place blog.

We also run a monthly photo competition called #CaptureTheCoig on social media and the theme for the month of July was water wellness. Each month we add some budget to promote this competition on Facebook to further extend the reach.

You can see the winning water wellness image for July on Instagram and the water wellness campaign was also featured on our photo competition blog page.

You can discover the five routes that make up The Coig on the Ayrshire & Arran website.

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