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Article published 05/01/2019

Scotland: Life evergreen content continues to deliver

Since its inception in early 2017, Scotland: Life has welcomed bloggers from the US, UK, France and Germany to experience Scotland for themselves and to create YouTube content to share with their audiences.

YouTube has been the primary focus for this project not only due to video being a powerful storytelling tool, but also as the content has a longer life span due to videos being Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) friendly, and Google favouring video results in their search algorithm.

The benefit being that videos that were produced a year ago are still continuing to receive views and comments long after the influencers’ trip has been and gone, compared to a traditional marketing campaign that will only have traction during the campaign promotion cycle.

One example of this is the Harry Potter themed trip for Tessa Netting, and the Harry Potter.

Things To Do In Real Life In Scotland video she posted on 8 December 2017. When stats were initially taken one month after the live date, the video had 372,000 views. Today, one year on, this video has climbed to over 1 million views and double the amount of likes and comments.

Due to the SEO friendly nature of the video topic, tagging and title, we can expect these views to continue to increase each month, giving our one-off video an indefinite life span.

Scotland: Life specialises in offering innovative and dynamic influencers, who really speak to both our target markets and the key markets of the future, the opportunity to experience Scotland in new and exciting ways.

Take a look at our films and share across your marketing.

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