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Article published 04/02/2022

Scotland’s Event Industry Advisory Group (EIAG) met on Thursday (3 February) to discuss a number of areas including the current COVID-19 restrictions, Scottish Government’s Strategic Framework refresh, and ongoing support and funding for the events sector.

The Group heard from Scottish Government officials who reiterated recent changes to the First Minister’s ministerial team including the appointment of Jenny Gilruth as Transport Minister and Neil Gray as Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development. It was noted that Mr Gray will attend a future EIAG meeting. In addition, officials provided an overview of this week’s First Minister statement, including the continuation of baseline measures, changes to international travel and updates to guidance on home working to enable a hybrid return to the office.  

Read the guidance to support employers and employees in safer office working on the Scottish Government website.

Members were also requested to help share a COVID-19 Protection Measures Survey which is due to close on 13 February 2021.

Find out more and complete the survey through the Scottish Government website.

The Scottish Government also reiterated information on the BA.2 sub variant of Omicron, which is currently under investigation, and the work being done on the refreshed Strategic Framework to ensure the future approach to managing COVID is more sustainable. The updated Strategic Framework is expected to be published following the February parliamentary recess.

The Group raised their continued concerns with Scottish Government officials regarding the live event re-insurance scheme not being fully fit for purpose. They requested that it continues to be raised at a UK Government level, ensuring that any future revisions to the scheme are developed directly in collaboration with the events sector.

The EIAG were also given an update by both Scottish Government officials and EventScotland on funding for the events sector, including the current COVID-19 relief funding. Letters to recipients of funding from either the Event Industry Support Fund or Pivotal Event Businesses Fund regarding top-up payments have been sent this week.

Ongoing work continues to determine additional funding opportunities for those in the sector yet to receive COVID-19 funding including Zero Hour Contract employees, and new entrants to the sector. Discussion around potential for a future consumer-facing promotional campaign to help bolster consumer confidence in attending events was also tabled at the meeting with input from the EIAG requested. EventScotland also reminded the EIAG of the relaunched National Events Programme and the forthcoming deadline for applications on the 11 February for events taking place between April and August this year.

The Group also heard from Superintendent James Royan of Police Scotland who provided an update on their review of the Cost Recovery policy for events. He reinforced that Police Scotland remains a strong advocate for events and expressed his recognition of the fragility of the sector after two difficult years of the pandemic. Plans to implement previously defined amendments to the Policy will now be factored in later this year (September 2022, to be confirmed). The Group provided feedback on the changes and the need for any policy to be rolled out consistently across the country in collaboration with the sector.

The EIAG were also advised that Scotland’s National Events Conference has been pushed back to later in the year and further details would be shared in due course.

In a final note, Peter Duthie, Chair of the EIAG also paid special thanks to EIAG member Dr Bridget McConnell CBE who will retire as Chief Executive of Glasgow Life in May.

The next meeting of the EIAG will take place on Tuesday 15 March.

Email for further outputs from the group and to raise any points for consideration.


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