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Article published 11/05/2022

Electric Vehicle Charge Point Tourism Recovery Fund | closed

Launched in May, the Electric Vehicle Charge Point Fund provides a one-off payment to tourism businesses towards the installation of an electric vehicle charge point.

The application process was managed by Energy Saving Trust on behalf of VisitScotland, and the fund has been allocated on a first come, first served basis. There was limited funding available, and the fund is now closed.

The high demand for this fund has shown that businesses are positioning sustainability at the heart of their recovery. Visitors are becoming increasingly aware of the impacts of their actions; and this fund will help businesses to meet their guests’ needs.

The Electric Vehicle Charge Point Fund is part of the Destination Net Zero programme, being delivered on behalf of STERG by Scottish Enterprise (SE), VisitScotland, HIE and SoSE and partners.

What funding was available to install a charge point?

The £325,000 Electric Vehicle Charge Point Fund provided a one-off payment to tourism businesses towards the installation of an electric vehicle charge point. 

Businesses could apply for funding to assist in the installation of an electric vehicle charge point on their premises.

The funding available was 75% of the total cost of the charge point and installation (including applicable VAT), up to a maximum of £15,000. The business must pay for the remaining cost. 

There was limited funding available, and the fund is now closed.

The Fund was administered by Energy Saving Trust on behalf of VisitScotland and the Scottish Government.

Who was this Fund for?

The Fund was open to all tourism businesses classed as micro or SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) that have been trading for at least 12 months.

The business must have an appropriate space in which an EV charge point can be safely installed and used by visitors and staff. 

The business must own the land on which the EV charge point is installed or, if the property is leased, have written permission from the landowner for the installation. 

As a condition of the funding, following installation, the EV charge point must be made available for visitors or guests to use, for which a charge can be levied by the business.

Funding was not available for installations that have already taken place or for installations already in progress. 

Business chargepoint funding

If you operate a rural SME or work in the third sector organisations, Transport Scotland has made grant funding available through Energy Saving Trust to help organisations install electric vehicle charging infrastructure on their premises. This fund is subject to availability.

Read the guidance and criteria and make an application for the Business chargepoint funding on the Energy Saving Trust website.


The rise of the electric car


of new registered vehicles were electric (March 2022)


the number of electric vehicles on the road in the UK


of Scotland residents are interested in changing to electric / hybrid

Due to their lower running costs, electric vehicles are becoming an increasingly attractive transport option and are a crucial step in decarbonising the transport system, improving air quality and contributing to Scotland’s climate target of achieving net zero emissions by 2045.

The number of new plug-in vehicles registered in the UK has increased significantly in recent years.

While 72% of Scotland residents use their own petrol / diesel car when taking breaks and holidays in Scotland, our research shows, 43% are interested in changing to electric / hybrid “within the next few years”, with price and fears around sufficient charging points among the main obstacles. Take a look at Scotland residents' views on responsible tourism research.

EV charge points in Scotland

The UK has more than 50,000 EV connectors in 18,000 different locations, 10% of which are located in Scotland which has the highest number of public charge points by population (per 100,000 inhabitants).

Energy Saving Trust mapped the location of EV charge points on some of Scotland’s popular driving routes, on our behalf. It found a total of 1,933 within five miles across all popular tourist routes, which include the South West Coastal 300, North East 250 and North Coast 500.

We’re encouraging businesses within areas where EV charge points are limited to apply for this fund.

Business benefits

By installing an electric vehicle charge point, benefits include:

  • Attract customers

    You could attract a specific customer target market, that businesses without an EV charge point cannot reach

  • Longer stays

    It could lead to your visitors staying longer. For example, as EV users are charging their car, they may come into your business or stay longer and spend more money in your cafe as they wait

  • Green credentials

    You improve your own green credentials

  • Sustainable customers

    You make it easier for customers to go green

  • Future proof

    You’re helping to future proof your business and Scottish tourism

Destination Net Zero programme

The Destination Net Zero programme is a key strand in the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 Tourism Recovery Programme. It aims to support businesses and destinations as they transition to a future of net zero emissions.

By working together, we can play a lead role in the development of responsible tourism practices, making Scotland one of the most economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable destinations in the world.