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Article published 09/12/2022

100 partners for public sector business support website

FindBusinessSupport.Gov.Scot has announced that Women’s Enterprise Scotland has become its 100th partner via its Women’s Business Centre. It joins local authorities, sector specific agencies, universities, and other public bodies on the website.

Women’s Enterprise Scotland is a not-for-profit community interest company which has been championing women-led and women-owned businesses since 2011.

What is Find Business Support?

Driven by Scotland’s economic development and skills agencies, including Scottish Enterprise, Find Business Support allows businesses of all sizes to browse Scotland’s public sector support options in one place.

This makes it easier for firms to find the information, advice and support they need, when they need it.

Since its launch in 2019, more than 1,500,000 customers have visited Find Business Support and almost 900,000 customers have been referred to partner websites to access support. 

More than 1,000 support services have been available on Find Business Support since its launch.

Support on Find Business Support includes advice, funding, networking opportunities, training, and webinars.  The selection changes daily as new services are launched, and out-of-date services unpublished.

A partnership approach

Find Business Support is delivered by the Business Support Partnership. It is a joint initiative consisting of Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise, Skills Development Scotland and Business Gateway and Scotland’s local authorities.

It also includes sector specific agencies Creative Scotland and VisitScotland.

It was created at the request of the Scottish Government to provide more streamlined, effective support to help businesses.

Read the full press release on the Scottish Enterprise website.

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