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Article published 28/03/2022

A safe and welcoming environment for staff and for visitors

Since the start of the pandemic, businesses must be applauded for doing so much to create a safe and welcoming environment for staff and for visitors.  

As most legal restrictions have now been lifted in Scotland, with only the requirement of wearing face masks in place, schemes introduced to promote safety for visitors have now come to an end.

Of course, safety remains an important driver for our visitors. The impacts of COVID-19 have led to visitors looking for reassurance, with an emphasis on providing a safe, clean and welcoming experience.

Within this article you’ll find an update on the safety schemes, what that means for your web listing, plus information on the benefits of becoming a QA member.

We’re Good to Go scheme ends

We’re Good to Go, the industry standard that demonstrates adherence to government and public health COVID-19 guidelines, closed to new applicants on 31 March 2022. This follows the end of COVID -19 restrictions.

Businesses currently signed up are encouraged not to display the certificate after this date and to remove the logo where possible.

Businesses are not expected to incur costs in removing the logo and may keep it on any current printed marketing material up to the end of September 2022.

Thank you for being a part of We’re Good to Go and stepping up to the challenge that enabled us and you to demonstrate the COVID-19 protocols that you put in place to keep your visitors safe.

Safe Travels Stamp

VisitEngland, VisitScotland, Visit Wales and Tourism NI have also been the collective official awarding body for the World Travel & Tourism Council’s (WTTC) Safe Travels Stamp. Any business that has used this stamp for their international marketing may continue to do so, until such time that WTTC confirm they no longer run this scheme. 

Anyone wishing to apply for Safe Travels will need to apply directly to WTTC.

What happens to my listing?

We’ll shortly be removing the We’re Good to Go logo from our website and, if required, your web listing. We shall communicate this directly at this time.

Our visitors continue to expect quality

Ask yourself: how are you demonstrating your business is serious about quality, and that you care about the experience your visitors have?

Quality Assurance (QA) provides consumer confidence, giving reassurance to guests that your property is independently assessed and that high standards are offered.  Now more than ever visitors need that extra reassurance – and QA can provide that.

QA is more than just the Stars on the door. By becoming a member, you’ll benefit from ongoing one-to-one advice from our highly experienced team, covering the whole visitor experience.

From the digital pre-arrival visitor journey to specialist support on being a responsible business, to impartial and expert advice to inform your investment decisions – we’re here to help.

Visitors and potential holiday-bookers using often base their search for accommodation and visitor attractions on “the Stars”. Quality Assured business listings are, on average, almost three times more likely to receive visitor referrals.

If you’re not a member of our Quality Assurance Scheme, then there’s never been a better time to join as it can provide the consumer confidence that you need. What are you waiting for? Join today.

Already a member of QA?

For any members of QA, we’d suggest you use your Stars to highlight messages of reassurance to your visitors and potential bookers. 

By definition, a QA business is a safe, clean and welcoming business – it’s written directly into our criteria. If you’re a QA member, do what you can to reassure your consumers that you take the VisitScotland Code of Conduct seriously. 

You’ve got plenty to shout about, so make sure messages of reassurance are still communicated loud and clear on all your digital platforms so you’re encouraging visitors and partners to take that next step of booking with you.