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Article published 18/01/2022

Additional measures aimed at stemming the spread of the Omicron variant whilst the vaccination booster programme took effect are to be lifted.

From Monday 24 January, measures to be lifted:

  • Limits on attendance at indoor public events
  • One metre physical distancing between different groups indoors
  • Table service in hospitality premises serving alcohol on the premises
  • Nightclub closures

The guidance asking people to stick to a three-household limit indoors will also be removed.    

Further baseline measures including a requirement to collect customer details in hospitality settings, the use of face coverings in public places and on public transport in addition to the current COVID certification scheme will remain in place to limit the spread of Omicron and reduce pressure on essential services.

The COVID certification scheme will continue to apply for large indoor and outdoor events and late-night venues and organisers of events with more than 1,000 attendees should check the certification status of at least 50% attendees or 1,000 people, whichever was higher.

It was also confirmed the certification scheme would not be extended to other premises at this stage.

Read the full statement given by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to the Scottish Parliament.

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