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Article published 21/06/2022

Scheme provides opportunities for business, low-income families and unpaid carers

Our ScotSpirit Holiday Voucher Scheme, funded by the Scottish Government as part of the overall tourism recovery programme, has now helped more than 1,000 adults and children take a break in Scotland since it launched in October last year.

In this article you'll find:

Results so far


short breaks in Scotland

More than 1,370

adults and children have had a break

Benefits to business

The key benefits to your business include:  

  • stimulate domestic overnight breaks or day visits in Scotland  
  • support unpaid carers and low-income families with subsidised breaks
  • contribute towards a more responsible tourism industry which is socially sustainable and inclusive  

We spoke to two businesses about  being part of the Scheme. Read what they told us:

Hear from participants

Making an impact through memorable experiences

Supported by Family Holiday Charity, Shared Care Scotland, and a network of Carers Centres across Scotland, many families from low incomes and unpaid carers have shared their experiences and the impact that taking a ScotSpirit break has had on their health and wellbeing.

One carer took an overnight break to Kingsmill Hotel in Inverness, where they enjoyed taking time out for themselves:

This break allowed me to take time for myself and not stress as much as I do normally - to have a clear mind, even if for an hour, which is something I haven’t had in a long time.

Being a carer is a job I love. I love the person I care for, and I wouldn’t change a thing, but my time away reminded me of the importance to ensure I look after myself too.

The ScotSpirit Scheme has shown me the importance of taking time for myself and I am stronger for taking a break away.

ScotSpirit unpaid carer participant

Another carer, who supports her husband and child, took her partner on the break with her to a remote part of Argyll and Bute:

We wouldn’t have been unable to afford the break without ScotSpirit, particularly the visit to the Islay which was a highlight of our trip!

The break has really improved the quality of my relationship with my husband. I also feel calmer, rested and more refreshed.

ScotSpirit unpaid carer participant

One family took a city break to Edinburgh, staying in a self-catering apartment:

We were so excited about the break and loved having something to look forward to and enjoyed making plans in the weeks before. The apartment was in the centre of Edinburgh, so we decided to take the train which added to the adventure and gave Mum a rest.

The apartment was so luxurious, it was a treat to stay there. They were very helpful in recommending an apartment that met our accessibility needs which was a concern.

It was great being in the centre of the city which meant we could easily access all that Edinburgh had to offer. We enjoyed a visit to Edinburgh Castle and made sure we were there for the one o’clock gun!

Although life has returned to normal now and is still difficult the break really was the highlight of the year for us. Here’s hoping for more adventures!

ScotSpirit family participant

You can still take part

More breaks are being planned for this summer and there is still time for your business to participate and benefit from the ScotSpirit Scheme which runs until December 2022. 

It’s simple to get involved

It’s easy to join, here are some steps to consider before you register your business and join our ScotSpirit Voucher Scheme.

Read the business guidance and accept the Scheme terms and conditions 

  1. 1

    Read the guidance

    Read the business guidance and accept the Scheme terms and conditions  

  2. 2

    Complete the online participation form

    Complete the online application form, once a simple validation check of your details has been completed your business details will be added to the directory within two working days  

  3. 3

    You've joined!

    You'll receive a confirmation email when your business details have been published and shared with VisitScotland’s Charity Partners for booking purposes  

So, why not join over 200 other businesses who have already registered to participate? Find out more and sign your business up today!

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