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Article published 22/09/2022

Having an informed outlook is vital for the tourism and events industry

Scotland’s tourism and events industry is facing severe economic challenges and we know that the rise in the cost of doing business is having a significant impact, after an incredibly difficult period during the pandemic. 

Having an informed outlook is vital for the tourism and events industry to understand these challenges and what this could mean for your business.

Our insight team carries out and publishes a wealth of research to help better inform businesses about our ever-changing landscape.

Our most recent consumer sentiment survey report for June – August 2022, is now available.

What is this survey?

It’s a tracker to measure UK residents’ holiday intentions, which started in May 2020 and will continue until spring 2023. This latest report covers the last three months (June to August 2022).


The highlights

  • A consistent trend since February – the UK public are more likely to think "the worst has passed" in relation to COVID-19 but has been replaced with worries around the "cost of living", suggesting high levels of caution around personal finances and leisure spending.

  • Financial factors are the main perceived barriers to taking an overnight domestic trip in the next six months, as well as cutting back on certain things on a domestic overnight trip – such as choosing cheaper accommodation, looking for more "free things to do" and spending less on eating out. Industry discounts or special offers may play a key role in the coming months.


  • “Retirees” and “older independents” (35 - 64 with no children in the household) anticipate being less impacted by the “cost of living” crisis with their domestic trips less likely to be affected. 

Autumn overnight domestic travel intentions

We’ve pulled together a summary of travel intentions from the full survey results for a quick glance.

This includes type of activities, accommodation, and regions most likely to visit and how long those are planning on staying while on an autumn trip in Scotland. As well this handy summary you can access the full report on our research and insights page.

What does this mean for your business? 

  • Industry discounts or special offers may play a key role in the coming months.
  • VisitScotland can help you to identify marketing opportunities and tools that can help to reach a wider audience. Take a look at our marketing opportunities. 
  • Look at those that will be coming (“retirees” and “older independents market) – how can you reach them? What are they looking for on their trip to Scotland this autumn? Adapt and shift your focus but don’t forget your core audience who should return one day. Take a look at the sentiment tracker, which analyses the life stages including that of the "retiree". 

Cost of doing business advice and support

We've pulled together advice and support related to the cost of doing business into one dedicated section on our website. 

Whether you're looking to cut costs and improve efficiencies, attract new customers, or change the way you operate, we have advice to help you. 

On this page you can find information about:

  • Sustainable practices – practical tips for businesses to save money
  • Digital skills – practical advice on everything from search engine optimisation to social media
  • Our expertise – our team is here to help
  • Links to other sources of information, advice and much more

We’re committed to supporting industry and we want to provide you with the most up-to-date information and advice for your business.

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