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Article published 04/12/2023

Bookings are now open

A press release from the Fife Tourism Partnership has announced details of the Fife Tourism Conference next week - and online booking is now open.

With the theme of "Developing New Markets", the conference will take place on Tuesday 27 February in the newly redeveloped Adam Smith Theatre in Kirkcaldy.

The conference is organised by Welcome to Fife, and sponsored by VisitScotland. With a line up of experienced speakers and leaders shaping the future of tourism in Scotland, the conference is a great opportunity to grow your business, learn about new and emerging markets, network and collaborate.

The day will consist of networking opportunities and presentations on the topics of digital innovation, working with online travel agents, developing your travel trade offering, and sustainability in the visitor economy. There will also be a "Pecha Kucha" style session with presentations covering different aspects of the local tourism sector.

Branding for the Fife Tourism Conference 2024

The Fife Tourism Conference is a fantastic opportunity for tourism businesses in the region to come together and receive practical advice and support on a range of topics to support the growth of the sector.

We look forward to bringing tourism businesses together to help foster collaborative and partnership working. By working together, we can help ensure that tourism is recognised for the positive impact it brings to the region. It looks set to be a productive and informative event and we would encourage individuals, businesses and organisations to book their place now.

Caroline Warburton, VisitScotland Destination Development Director

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