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Article published 26/06/2023

Ambitious 10-year collaborative strategy launched

The Scotland Food & Drink Partnership was joined by First Minister, Humza Yousaf, to launch its new industry strategy, "Sustaining Scotland. Supplying the World." 

In a press release, it announced the industry-led strategy aims for a 25% increase in turnover for Scotland’s food and drink sector by 2028 – from a projected £16 billion to £20 billion.

First Minister Humza Yousaf announced £5 million Scottish Government funding during the 2023 Royal Highland Show. Industry will contribute a further £1 million, bringing total funding for year one of the strategy to £6 million.

The new strategy sets a 10-year ambition for the industry and provides a practical framework for achieving sustainable growth. Its ambition is to make Scotland the best place in the world to own, operate, and work for a food and drink business. 

"Sustaining Scotland. Supplying the World" is a collaborative strategy that draws on the experience and expertise of the Scotland Food & Drink Partnership, government and more than 150 businesses consulted.

The strategy aims to support the sector to grow faster than similarly sized competitors, such as Ireland and Norway.

Actions include restoring promotional activity to pre-pandemic levels to reach new markets and recruiting and retaining a highly skilled workforce to adapt and tackle skills shortages in the sector.

Collaboration has been at the heart of developing the strategy, and it will be at the heart of delivering it too.

The new Scotland Food & Drink Partnership industry strategy will lay the foundations for sustainable growth for one of our country’s most important economic sectors. Sustaining Scotland. Supplying the World is a collaborative strategy that brings together businesses, leadership bodies and government to chart a sustainable and profitable path for the industry.

Our food and drink sector is a major economic contributor, so having a unifying strategy to drive forward a positive vision for the industry is essential. We have the opportunity to cement ourselves as a world leader in sustainability. That’s sustainability in the widest possible sense – environmental impacts, societal fairness, and economically sustainable.

Iain Baxter, Chief Executive of Scotland Food and Drink

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