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Article published 21/06/2023

HebCelt will once again be significantly powered by green hydrogen. This move is thanks to funding through EventScotland’s National Events Programme, as the event continues its commitment to sustainability and innovation.

HebCelt was recently named one of the top 10 sustainable events in Europe. In 2022, the festival utilised PlusZero’s innovative technology for the first time. This allowed the islands stage in the main arena to be powered by zero-emissions energy during the three day event.

Provider PlusZero is a Harris-based clean power start-up. It is decarbonising the events sector by replacing greenhouse gas-emitting diesel generators with zero-carbon alternatives. The technology is powered by green hydrogen from renewable electricity generated in the Outer Hebrides.

In partnership with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and UHI Outer Hebrides, the company has recently secured funding from the Scottish Government’s Emerging Energies Technology Fund. This funding will enable the company to power up green hydrogen production at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar's Creed Park in Stornoway. It will also help create new facilities for hydrogen technology training and electrolyser research and field testing.

During the three days of performances on the islands stage at last year’s festival, PlusZero’s innovative zero-carbon generator saved three tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere. This is the equivalent of 27 return car journeys from Edinburgh to Stornoway.

PlusZero will again power the Islands Stage for the duration of HebCelt 2023. They will also power additional facilities including some catering space, topping last year’s record-making carbon savings.

We are thrilled to be teaming up with PlusZero again this year to continue our quest to make HebCelt a greener and more sustainable event. After the success of last year, when the islands stage area was solely powered by green hydrogen, we are delighted to be working with this innovative and fantastic team once again this year.

This wouldn’t have been possible without funding from the EventScotland’s National Events Programme. We are extremely grateful for their continued and invaluable support in making the festival possible and allowing us to continue to bring a world-class event to the island, whilst taking further steps towards sustainability.

Graham MacCallum, HebCelt Festival Director

Scotland is recognised globally for its world-class events, enjoyed by locals and visitors alike that bring benefits to the communities in which they take place but it is equally important that these events are sustainable. I am delighted that HebCelt, supported through EventScotland’s National Funding Programme, is taking significant steps in ensuring the green credentials of their event, measures that absolutely help to enhance Scotland’s international reputation as the perfect stage for events.

Paul Bush OBE, Director of Events

It was a privilege to provide clean power for the islands stage at HebCelt 2022, and even better that we can smash our own record this year by providing zero-emissions power for the whole of the festival weekend – a Scottish first.

HebCelt’s commitment to sustainability speaks to the environmental progressiveness of the Outer Hebridean community, and its determination to preserve the precious natural environment for years to come. We are delighted to be partnering with the festival once again, and look forward to sharing in the joy of a truly green live music event.

David Amos, Managing Director at PlusZero Ltd.
Aerial view of Stornaway and the site of the HebCelt festival
Aerial view of Stornaway and the site of the HebCelt festival
Image credit HebCelt

As well as EventScotland, HebCelt 2023 will also be backed by Creative Scotland and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

Crowned "event of the year" for the third time at the MG Alba Scots Trad Music Awards 2022, HebCelt will take place on the Castle Green of Lews Castle in Stornoway between 12 and 15 July 2023.

Visit the official HebCelt website for more information and to buy tickets.