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Article published 02/08/2023

Thank you to all who took part in Scotland’s National Events Strategy public consultation which closed on Friday 30 June.

The online survey generated over 102 responses from a range of participants with a role in Scotland’s world-class event industry.  In addition to the online survey responses, feedback, and input was also gathered from over 250 individuals and organisations. They engaged through a series of webinar sessions, and regional face to face workshops.

The consultation focused on seeking views across a range of areas including:

  • the ambition and priorities for events and the event sector in Scotland
  • accessibility of events
  • views on working within the events industry
  • how events in Scotland can continue to collaborate and innovate
  • how events can promote cities, regions, and Scotland as a whole internationally. 

The consultation also focused on over-arching themes addressing business and economy; technology; Fair Work and skilled workforce; environmental sustainability; wellbeing; measurement and impact.

Wavehill was the appointed independent research agency. They have now analysed the information received from the online and offline public consultation. The analysis provides a summary of the key themes and perspectives raised across responses to the consultation.

Overarching analysis from the consultation highlighted that 92% of respondents supported the proposed ambition of the strategy as set out in the consultation paper. It also highlighted that boosting the economy and enhancing wellbeing and community engagement were considered to be the most important strategic priorities over the next 10 years.

A greater focus on equality, diversity and inclusion was also highlighted. The results of the consultation analysis are also informing further engagement with stakeholders including:

  • the events sector (including the Event Industry Advisory Group)
  • the Convention of Scotland’s Local Authorities
  • trade unions
  • organisations representing Scotland’s communities
  • other bodies with an interest in events.

The analysis will inform the drafting of the National Events Strategy 2025-2035 which is expected to be published in the spring of 2024.

Find out more about the strategy consultation on .

A partial Business and Regulatory impact assessment was published on 24 March alongside the public consultation.  An Equality Impact Assessment, Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment and Island Community Impact Assessment are also currently being developed. These will help to shape the new strategy.

These Impact Assessments will be published alongside the new strategy. In the meantime, the Scottish Government would welcome further input from the sector to help identify the related opportunities, challenges and evidence. To contribute to this, email

The global Host City Conference & Exhibition is due to take place in Glasgow on 20-21 November 2023. This will provide a platform in which to present some of the key themes and perspectives raised across responses to the consultation.

The updated strategy will provide strategic focus for all involved in any aspect of planning, securing, supporting and delivering events of all sizes in Scotland. Extending the term of the current ‘Scotland the Perfect Stage’ strategy through to the end of 2035. Timings for the launch of the strategy will be shared in due course.

Visit the Scottish Government website to find more background information on the National Events Strategy Consultation Review.


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