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Article published 30/08/2023

A seasonal marketing campaign highlighting the natural and cultural heritage of the Highlands and Islands through the autumn months has been launched.

The Spirit of the Highlands and Islands autumn campaign, the final strand in a two-year project, encourages visitors to slow down and immerse themselves in the regions’ distinct culture and heritage. 

We have partnered on the £1.16 million Spirit of the Highlands and Islands project with Highland Council and High Life Highland. Our role has focused on the delivery of  a £500,000 multi-channel marketing campaign. This has focused on promoting the Highlands and Islands to Scottish, wider UK and European visitors.

This is the first time that we've worked with our regional partners to deliver a co-ordinated effort across the whole of the Highlands and Islands. We've spotlighted less-visited rural areas, bringing benefits across the regions, from Shetland to Arran and Cumbrae, and more.

The marketing campaign encourages visitors to explore and experience the less discovered parts of the region, inspiring future visitors to support local festivals and events, visitor attractions and outdoor locations across the area. 

The project also promotes off-season visits and suggests visitors slow down and immerse themselves in local experiences. This will maximise the visitors' experience and contributes to the sustainable growth of the tourism sector.

The diversity of the Highlands and Islands – and its spirit – is at the heart of the project. Places, people and their stories are key pillars to the overarching campaign to attract visitors to experience these places for themselves. It also aims to inspire visitors to enjoy and care for the unique heritage they experience whilst here.

Our Lady of the Sea, Barra
Our Lady of the Sea, Barra, Outer Hebrides

Campaign assets

The campaign includes a suite of new autumn videos and imagery, showcasing the region’s distinctive heritage and authentic connections with rural communities. Take a look at these assets on our Media Toolkit.

The dedicated Spirit of the Highlands and Islands website enables visitors to discover unique locations to visit throughout the region in the autumn. They can digitally immerse themselves in community stories, inspirational video and audio content, alongside 10 themed itineraries. 

The £130,000 autumn campaign, which runs until October, also includes digital media activity on YouTube and social media channels in the UK and the Netherlands, as well as publishing partnerships with The Guardian in the UK and Die Zeit in Germany.

A number of influencer trips are also planned and will cover various locations, including the Isle of Arran, Orkney, Kintyre, Cowal and Gigha.

Press trips will see journalists from the UK and Germany visiting the Isle of Coll, Easdale Island and the Isle of Mull in Argyll; Glenelg and Sandwood Bay in the Highlands and Shetland.

Discover the Spirit of the Highlands and Islands campaign website

There will also be a virtual webinar and targeted spirit-dedicated workshops for the travel trade.

The project is supported by a grant from the Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund (NCHF), led by NatureScot and part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

A number of influencer trips are also planned and will cover various locations, including the Isle of Arran, Orkney, Kintyre, Cowal and Gigha.

Press trips will see journalists from the UK and Germany visiting the Isle of Coll, Easdale Island and the Isle of Mull in Argyll; Glenelg and Sandwood Bay in the Highlands and Shetland.

There will also be a virtual webinar and targeted spirit-dedicated workshops for the travel trade.

The project is supported by a grant from the Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund (NCHF), led by NatureScot and part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Access our media toolkit

The Highlands and Islands are calling - autumn adventure

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