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Article published 07/04/2023

Tourism updates, in your inbox

Every three weeks we send out an enewsletter with thoughts from our Chief Executive and then advice and news that we think your business will find useful. Here’s what’s just hit mailboxes across the country…

A message from Malcolm |
Sustainable tourism destination

Scotland’s environment, society and culture are what sets us apart as a destination – they’re the things that make a visit to our country so special.

Our visitors are becoming more aware of their impacts on the world around them. Research by found that over 70% of travellers want to try in the next year to travel more sustainably. Some 78% intend to stay in sustainable accommodation, demonstrating an opportunity for tourism businesses to cater for a growing market of environmentally conscious consumers.

We’ve launched a new Climate Action guide to support businesses to position sustainability at the heart of their recovery and ensure their offering will make it easier for visitors to make environmentally conscious travel decisions. Creating a Climate Action Plan will help with your journey to net zero, whatever your starting point. Building resilience and maximising the positive impact on your business and the environment.

By working together, we can create a long-lasting sustainable tourism destination, which will protect the environment and benefit businesses, visitors, and residents alike.

Malcolm Roughead OBE, Chief Executive, VisitScotland

Stories within this week’s enewsletter

This week’s Tourism Insider enewsletter features:

  • Our new climate action guide to help you develop a climate action plan
  • Be part of our user panel and let us know your thoughts
  • The chance to advertise in our iCentres
  • Our events strategy consultation
  • The Scottish Thistle Awards has opened for entries
  • Useful content to support your guests when visiting both on and off the road
  • Plus more…

Take a look at our recent enewsletter

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