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Visit Scotland | Alba

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  • Scotland is well known for its myths and legends. It’s a place of vast natural beauty and attracts many French visitors every year.
  • In 2023, France was Scotland’s third largest international source market measured by number of visits, second by expenditure, and fourth by the number of nights.
  • French visitors accounted for 8% of all overseas visitors to Scotland and 8% of all overseas spend in Scotland in 2023.
  • The French market continued to perform strongly following the COVID-19 pandemic. The volume and value in 2023 surpassed both 2022 and pre pandemic levels.

Key statistics


total number of visits by French visitors to Scotland in 2023

2.6 million

total number of nights spent in Scotland by French visitors in Scotland in 2023

£277 million

total spend by French visitors to Scotland in 2023


average nights per visit by French visitors to Scotland in 2023

Source: IPS, 2023 (numbers have been rounded)

1. Executive summary 2023

France remains a core international market for Scotland. In 2023, France was Scotland’s third largest international source market measured by number of visits, fourth by number of nights, and second by expenditure.

French visitors accounted for 8% of all overseas visitors to Scotland and 8% of all overseas spend in Scotland in 2023.

In 2023, the French market continued to perform strongly following the COVID-19 pandemic. The total number of visits in 2023 increased by 26% compared to 2022 and surpassed pre-pandemic levels by 56%.

The average spend per visit in 2023 was £828. The average spend per night was £109. The average length of stay was 7.6 nights.

Source: IPS, 2023

2. Motivations to visit Scotland

In addition to the official statistics from the International Passenger Survey, we have talked to our French visitors across our research over a number of years.

We have found that the tangible features of our vast and beautiful landscapes, castles, lochs, golf, whisky, and hiking are all top of mind for French visitors.

But there is a strong expectation in this market that Scotland has an atmosphere all of its own. A sense of history and a mythical quality are anticipated.

Find out more about why people choose Scotland

3. Scotland Visitor Survey 2023

In 2023, we commissioned the Scotland Visitor Survey to gather insight on visitor attitudes and behaviours. The scope of the survey was leisure overnight visitors only.

The survey explored the profile of the visitors who took part in the research, including:

  • their motivations for visiting
  • their experiences
  • how they have rated aspects of their trip

Information on French visitors will be updated in 2024. Information is available on the background, methodology, and key highlights from the Scotland Visitor Survey 2023.

Browse our Scotland Visitor Survey 2023 page.

4. VisitBritain MIDAS research 2022

In 2022, our partner, VisitBritain undertook comprehensive research with international leisure travellers. They spoke to global tourists from many markets, including France.

Whilst the research focuses on perceptions and experiences of Britain, there are insights which are useful for the Scottish tourism industry.

West European markets are more likely to demand a variety of interesting people, experiences and food and beverage options. These needs seem more distinctive than drivers in the other European regions.

Read the full VisitBritain MIDAS research

5. Official statistics and partners

The International Passenger Survey is a continuous survey carried out by the Office for National Statistics. It covers all major air, sea and tunnel ports. 

The survey provides information on the numbers and types of visits made by people travelling to and from the UK. Anonymous face to face interviews are undertaken with a sample of passengers entering and leaving the UK.

Find out more on the survey methodology on

Read further ONS publications on

Read how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on the IPS data collection on

6. Additional research resources

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