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Start using Facebook effectively for your tourism business. Social media is a powerful tool that lets you to communicate and engage with customers. This article discusses using Facebook Business Manager.

Most businesses have some presence on Facebook. They use it to share updates, build a customer base and learn about their target audience.

As a small company, you can bet that your customers are using Facebook — and that your competitors are using it too.

1. Why should my tourism business be on Facebook?

People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.

Quick stats:

  • 2.93 billion active monthly (April 2022)
  • 1.96 billion daily users (April 2022)

There is a huge active audience for your marketing efforts. Don't simply concentrate your social media marketing on Facebook. Other available platforms include:

  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • X (Twitter)

Always tailor the content you post accordingly. Audiences expect different things from each platform. Instagram, for example, is primarily an image sharing site. Whereas LinkedIn targets professionals and business people.

2. What types of content should I post on Facebook?

Facebook and tourism work very well together. Travel is important to many people. By posting evocative content on your Facebook business page, you can build a loyal following which in turn can help drive sales.

  • Videos

    Entertaining and educational videos work very well on Facebook. Remember to keep your videos relevant and try not to be overly promotional.

  • Photos

    Facebook posts containing images almost always perform better than those without. As a tourism business, you should be thinking about what kind of images best represent your business.

    Check if you have permission to use certain images.

  • Text posts

    While images are a great way to drive engagement, a simple text update can do the job too. This might include:

    • Inspirational quote
    • Business update
    • Question to your customers
    • Sharing a blog from your company website
  • User generated content

    You don’t always have to create your own content. If you see that another business or person is making relevant content, try sharing it. A simple example of this might be photos of your business taken by a guest or customer.

    Learn about the benefits of online content sharing.

Some things to remember:

  • avoid obvious and immediate sales pitches

  • keep your posts varied

  • include a call to action, such as a link to your website

  • avoid producing content without images (most of the time)

3. Who will see the content I post?

Your Facebook business page will have a different audience than your personal profile. These four groups will be able to view your posts:

  • Fans

    These click the like button on your page and will see your content in their feed

  • Friends of fans

    These will see your content when a fan likes, comments or shares your posts

  • Other businesses

    Those who like your page will also be able to see your posts

  • Paid advertising

    This will increase the reach of your posts to non-fans

Engagement is necessary to have as many people as possible seeing your posts. Likes, comments and shares are all different types of engagement.

It is important to make your content as interesting as possible to keep the likes and shares coming in.

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