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Why video needs to be a part of your digital marketing and how to do it from home

Video is a hugely important part of any digital content strategy. People are watching significantly more video than ever before.

Have you ever found yourself completely immersed scrolling through video after video on your phone? It’s an engaging way to communicate with people and companies.

Businesses and brands are using video content to reach and talk to their customers. And, the good news is, anyone can do it.

Some businesses and organisations have had great success from filming a short video from their phones.

We’re going to provide you with some top tips for creating your own video and provide links to some apps to help you edit and finish off your video from home.

Taking photos using a smartphone at the Helix Visitor Centre

Top tips for creating your own video

  • Portrait or landscape?

    When filming, shoot holding your phone in portrait mode, which works better for social media platforms. If creating a video for YouTube then landscape works well. 

  • Sound, music and lighting

    Try to film in a quiet place and talk loudly and clearly. Also, make sure to turn the audio on.

    To create a nice finish to your video, you may want to add some music. The following are some sites that you can access free and legal music downloads:

    Make sure that you have the strongest light source. Ideally, you use sunlight - either outdoors or through a window. Use this light in front of your subject and not behind.

  • Keep it steady

    Depending on what you're trying to capture adjust the movement accordingly. If you’re filming a still shoot with no movement then try to keep you phone steady.

    If you have anything to brace the phone with, a grip or selfie stick, use that. If you need to get closer, do that with the camera, don’t zoom in.

  • Extra images

    Need extra images or footage? Take a look at our media toolkit, which is free and available for your use. You can also browse and share some of our video content, already created for you to use across your channels.

  • Length of video

    First determine which platform(s) you want to use and check the ideal time for this. If sharing on Instagram for example you can only upload a 60 second clip, Twitter is 30 seconds and no more than two minutes for Facebook. 

  • Audio

    Avoid cutting off any voice audio by accident at the start or end of your video. Try counting to five in your head before you start to speak on film, then again before you stop recording.

  • Final touches

    You can access a lot of good free editing software to help you piece together a great video. Often video editing software comes installed on computers and phones or you can download them for free. An example is iMovie.

     Check out to iMovie on

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