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Google Analytics is one of several tools available in the market to do website analytics. It lets you track the performance of your website. It will help you better understand:

  • what your customers are looking for
  • how your customers use your website
  • which parts of your website work better than others
  • what issues your customers experience while navigating on your site

Doing this will allow you to improve the effectiveness of your website.

1. What does Google Analytics do?

Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to track traffic on your website. You can use it to for example find out:

  • what the most and least popular pages on your site are
  • what the average amount of time that users stay on your site is
  • where the traffic to your website comes from. Think of social media or organic search (results from entering text into a search engine)
  • which country your users come from

2. Why is Google Analytics useful?

  • Understand user journeys

    A user journey is the process a customer goes through from their first interaction with your brand until their last. Understanding this journey is vital to any successful marketing campaign.

  • Capture data

    Google Analytics allows you to easily capture lots of data. This allows you to see which of your marketing efforts are working, and which aren’t. After which, you can adapt your strategy accordingly and make better-informed business decisions.

3. Free online training resources for Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free-to-use Google product. Google offers online training resources for both beginning and advanced users.

Check out the Google Analytics online training.

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