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Article published 08/12/2023

Thanks for joining us at Highland Tourism Conference 2023.

Our event took place on 28 November at the Kingsmills Hotel, where we welcomed more than 160 tourism businesses, organisations and stakeholders. It was a busy agenda, hearing about topics such as climate change, sharing Scotland's stories and visitor insights, and more. 

We heard from a range of speakers from organisations including Jamie Brogan from Edinburgh Institute of Climate Change, Expedia and our own Head of Brand and Global Marketing, Cat Leaver. 

Delegates also heard from local businesses who were recent finalists in the Highland and Island Thistle Awards. This included the Duisdale Hotel, Stories of Scotland podcast and GALE.

Event presentations

We heard from a fantastic range of speakers as part of the day's presentations. If you'd like to take a look over some of the content again, we've made many of the presentations available to you.

If you'd like to receive the information delivered by Irene Roberts from Expedia, please email James Archer or Katie Rennie

To find out more about The Duisdale Hotel and The Sonas Hotel Collection, presented by Andreas Maszczyk and Anne Gracie, take a look at their website.

Chris Taylor, VisitScotland

Published December 2023

Jamie Brogan, Edinburgh Institute of Climate Change

Published December 2023

Cat Leaver, VisitScotland

Published December 2023

Stories of Scotland Podcast

Published December 2023

Cory Jones, Gairloch and Loch Ewe Action Forum

Published December 2023

Workshop sessions

Our workshops for Highland Tourism Conference 2023 brought together a range of experts to deliver inspiring sessions, designed to help you connect with other businesses, or to help your business become more accessible and travel-trade ready.

Take a look at the presentations.

Highland Tourism Conference 2023 workshops

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