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Scotland’s National Events Strategy 2024-2035 aims to build on the events industry’s many achievements to date.  The strategy refresh has been shaped by the Scottish Government, our Events Directorate, Scotland’s Events Industry Advisory Group (EIAG), Local Authorities, COSLA, Trade Union representatives, and those who responded to the consultation process.

Scotland first developed a national strategic approach to events in 2008.  Since then, Scotland has:

  • successfully established a global reputation for excellence in events delivery
  • supported a strong and dynamic events industry
  • produced a world-class portfolio of business, sport, and cultural events that contribute significant economic, social, and cultural benefits to Scotland

The refreshed 2024 to 2035 strategy aims to provide a strategic focus for all those involved in planning, securing, supporting, and delivering events of all sizes in Scotland. It will help build on our status as a world-leading events destination.

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Scotland's National Events Strategy

Published May 2024

Scotland's National Events Strategy – summary

Published May 2024

Ro-innleachd Nàiseanta Thachartasan na h-Alba

Published May 2024

Ro-innleachd Nàiseanta Thachartasan na h-Alba - geàrr-chunntas

Published May 2024

About the National Events Strategy

  • Vision

    Scotland is the Perfect Stage for Events.

  • Mission

    Sustain and develop, through a "Team Scotland" approach, a dynamic, resilient, and responsible events sector that is recognised as a global leader and valued for its contribution to Scotland's wellbeing economy. It will achieve this through the delivery of a world-class, diverse, and inclusive portfolio of cultural, sport and business events - for participants, workforce, communities, and visitors.

  • Strategy

    Delivering the vision and mission is based around three interconnecting strands, each with a number of priority themes.

Interconnecting strands and associated priority themes of the National Events Strategy

  • 1. Developing events

    Priority themes are:

    • inclusive events
    • investment and support
    • the portfolio approach
    • measuring, monitoring, and reporting impacts
  • 2. Developing the industry

    Priority themes are:

    • attract, retain, and develop a diverse talent pool
    • quality planning and delivery
    • responsible events
  • 3. Developing Scotland

    Priority themes are:

    • infrastructure and services
    • reputation and profile
    • visitor economy

The interconnecting strands and priority themes are vital for creating an environment that allows the industry to contribute to the delivery of the five national priority outcomes: economy, community, environment, workforce, and reputation and profile.

To find out more about the strategic approach and outcomes, please download the summary and / or the full strategy.

Frequently asked questions

Scottish Government supporting impact assessments

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