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Visit Scotland | Alba

We’ve now launched our new Business Support Hub with tailored advice to help you start, improve and grow your business. Please take a look at our new and updated advice and share your thoughts.

As part of our strategy to grow the visitor economy, we’re changing the way we provide visitor information. This includes the decision to close our iCentre network.

We want to make sure we are reaching the right audience at the right time on the right channels.

Most visitors now use online resources and travel specialists to plan and book all aspects of their trips, including accommodation and activities, before they arrive at their destination.

That's why we’re moving to a digital-first approach with a focus on influencing visitors in the planning stage of their trip before they leave home.

Read more about changing the way we provide visitor information

iCentre information

Due to significant changes to the way people plan their holidays, we are investing our expertise and resources into a digital-first strategy. This aims to influence visitors before they book to increase Scotland’s share of global travel.

As a result, we are in the process of closing our iCentre network. 

The following provides some detailed background information about our iCentres.

Withdrawing from owned and leased properties

All our iCentres were operational from the announcement in March until September 2024. A two-year phased closure programme is now underway with the expectation that all our iCentres will close by late 2025 at the latest.

The Scottish Government has issued disposal of property guidance - Scottish Public Finance Manual (SPFM) and we have responsibilities under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.

Read the disposal of property guidance on

Browse information on the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 on

iCentre closure programme

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