1. What does the Scottish Tourism Observatory do?
The observatory presents data on tourism in Scotland, focussing both on visitors and the industry. This includes topics such as seasonality, employment, and the visitor economy. It also provides data on the wider context with sections on UK tourism and global tourism.
Interactive dashboards and visualisations provide ready-made analyses of data. Downloadable data tables are offered to allow users to create their own analyses. Information on the data and the analyses is provided to help people use the data.
The website also signposts related data sources and research through links on each page. Where “big data” sets exist, links to their online sources are provided, e.g. the Office for National Statistics.
The data currently shared on the website is existing and available but has been analysed and made accessible in new ways. This data is "open data" from publicly available sources so it can be used and shared as necessary.
The website also includes case studies and project updates to show how people are using tourism data. This is to help encourage and inspire others on how data could be used to support their own business.
Go to tourismobservatory.scot