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Visit Scotland | Alba

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  • With such a diverse offering as a destination, Scotland is a natural choice for a varied range of visitors.
  • On this page you will find the results of the Scotland Visitor Survey 2023. We explore the profile of leisure overnight visitors to Scotland who took part in our visitor survey. 
  • You will also find topic papers which focus in more detail on younger travellers and on families. We look at their holiday motivations and behaviours.

1. Scotland Visitor Survey 2023

In 2023, we commissioned the Scotland Visitor Survey to gather insight on visitor attitudes and behaviours. The scope of the survey was leisure overnight visitors only.

The survey explores the profile of the visitors who took part in the research. We collated information on the background, methodology, and key highlights from the Scotland Visitor Survey 2023.

Browse our Scotland Visitor Survey 2023 page.

Key insights on the visitor profile


of visitors were on a purely leisure break


of visitors were first time visitors


of visitors were on a trip of a lifetime


of visitors were combining a business trip with a leisure trip or working remotely


of visitors were aged over 55


of visitors were pre-nesters, aged 16-34 with no children


of visitors were travelling with a pet


of visitors were travelling on their own

Source: Scotland Visitor Survey, 2023

Hear the key insights on the visitor profile

Scotland Visitor Survey 2023 - visitor and trip profile

Published April 2024

2. Young travellers

The "millennial generation" is one of the largest demographic groupings in history. Most researchers regard Millennials or Generation Y as people born anywhere from the early 1980’s up to the early 2000’s.

In 2018, we commissioned research to explore the travel motivations and behaviours of this younger generation. The work was carried out by Kubi Kalloo.

From a tourism marketing perspective, it’s important to remember that age alone does not create a uniform group with a single, common set of values and behaviours. Within this relatively wide age range, we find an equally wide cross section of:

  • life and career stages
  • levels of disposable income
  • amounts of free time
  • personal interests and attitudes


Critical factors for younger people’s travel journeys are

  • New

    Originality for young travellers means providing new opportunities or reviving and refreshing existing traditions and brands so that young travellers feel they are discovering them for the first time.

  • Value for money

    Affordability is key, particularly when income may not match the desire for new experiences. Young travellers are adept at seeking out deals and signing up to offers that keep them "in the know".

    Those without children can be agile and spontaneous. They're able to take advantage of last-minute opportunities.

  • Braggable

    Being seen as "ahead of the curve" is important to young travellers, allowing them to feel like a leader rather than a follower.

    Reframing an experience (staying in a log cabin rather than a hotel for example) means "bragging rights" are rooted in a genuinely differentiated experience rather than simply ticking off a destination.

  • Unique

    Younger people want a deeper level of involvement when they travel.

    They often seek out experiences that are unique to the destination. These may not be particularly unusual, but are different to normal behaviour and different from previous (and future) holidays.

A fresh perspective - exploring Scotland through younger eyes

Published August 2020

3. Family holidays

Scotland is perfectly positioned to deliver an ideal family holiday. Holidays and short breaks offer families the much-needed opportunity to put the brakes on their busy schedules and escape for a while. They allow them to reconnect with each other and making memories together.

In 2018, we commissioned research with over 300 UK children aged between 8 and 12 years (and over 300 parents too). We explored what makes a great family holiday and Scotland’s strengths and weaknesses as a family destination. Boxclever conducted the research.

We found that parents were looking for a number of key things from a family holiday experience:

  • togetherness
  • whole family shared activities (not just "kids only" activities)
  • access to the outdoors
  • new activities as well as a chance to share everyday activities

Key marketing points for family visitors

  • Family holiday benefits

    Dial up the benefits of a family holiday, like:

    • togetherness
    • spending quality time together
    • sharing new and familiar experiences
    • supporting exploration and self-discovery for young people
    • making memories to last a lifetime


  • Scotland’s key strengths

    Consider Scotland’s key strengths (all loved by those who have visited Scotland):

    • wildlife, nature, and the great outdoors
    • castles, ruins, and iconic landmarks

    Combine this with a clear message about freedom, revitalisation, and adventure.

  • Young people messaging

    Focus on imagery and experiences that appeal to young people. Use something that fires up their imaginations and encourage them to engage with:

    • exciting locations
    • new experiences
    • novelty accommodations

    Static landscape or scenery imagery appeal less.

    Tap into the school curriculum and consider its influence on young people’s interests and passions.

Summary - Exploring Scotland’s appeal as a family holiday destination

Published November 2019

Exploring Scotland’s appeal as a family holiday destination

Published November 2019

4. Domestic sentiment tracker

The domestic sentiment tracker has been running since May 2020. It explores the likelihood of UK residents to travel both within the UK (and abroad) and when and where they plan to go.

Variations by life stage are explored in relation to domestic trip behaviour. Insights are identified for pre-nesters, families, older independents, and retirees.

Read the latest report from the domestic sentiment tracker

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