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We’ve now launched our new Business Support Hub with tailored advice to help you start, improve and grow your business. Please take a look at our new and updated advice and share your thoughts.


Dh’obraich sinn còmhla ri daoine eile gus an ro-innleachd seo a dhealbh. Tha i a’ togail air a’ bhun-stèidh a thogadh leis an ro-innleachd mu dheireadh agus tha i a’ cur barrachd cuideim air cultar is dualchas a thuilleadh air a’ chànan fhèin.

Tha e na amas dhi cuideachadh leis a’ cheann-uidhe nàiseanta gum bi Alba am measg phrìomh dhùthchannan an t-saoghail airson turasachd san 21mh linn. Bidh an gnìomhachas agus coimhearsnachdan a’ tabhann chothroman is thursan far a bheilear a’ dèanamh gàirdeachas ri Gàidhlig agus cultar is dualchas a' chànain. Tha sinn an seo gus an cuideachadh le sin.



We took a collaborative approach in the development of this strategy. It builds on the foundations set by the previous strategy with an increased focus on culture and heritage, in addition to language.

It aims to support the national ambition for Scotland to be the world leader in 21st century tourism. Industry and communities create experiences that celebrate Gaelic culture, heritage, and language. We are here to support them in this endeavour.

Our Lady of the Sea looking out on the Isle of Barra

Ro-innleachd turasachd na Gàidhlig do dh’Alba 2024-2029

San latha an-diugh tha ìre na farpaise eadar dùthchannan a’ sìor dhol am meud ann am margaidh turasachd na cruinne. Mar sin, tha e glè chudromach gum bi Alba a’ tabhann thursan sònraichte do luchd-tadhail a mhaireas fada air chuimhne agus a bheir fìor bhlasad dhen dùthaich dhaibh.

Tha a’ Ghàidhlig glè chudromach do thurasachd agus faodaidh i a bhith mar phàirt mòr de thuras brìoghmhor a dh’Alba.

Tha i air aon de na bunaitean aig cultar na h-Alba. Cuideachd, faodaidh i a bhith mar phàirt de raointean turasachd eile leithid biadh is deochan, no turasachd stèidhichte air nàdar no sinnsireachd.

Tha barrachd ùidh’ aig daoine ann an Gàidhlig agus cultar na Gàidhlig, am measg luchd-tadhail bhon RA agus bho dhùthchannan eile. Ri linn sin, tha cothroman ùra a’ nochdadh dhan roinn gus barrachd Gàidhlig fhighe a-steach do thurasachd.

Gaelic tourism strategy for Scotland 2024-2029

We live in an increasingly competitive global market. So, it's vital that Scotland offers a memorable, authentic, and unique visitor experience.

Gaelic has a vital role in and a significant potential to contribute to visitors’ memorable experiences in Scotland.

It's a key ingredient in the Scottish cultural offer. Plus, it complements other visitor interests such as food and drink, nature-based, and ancestral tourism.

There's an increasing interest in Gaelic language and culture from both UK and international visitors. This creates new opportunities for the sector to integrate Gaelic into their offering.

Leughaibh an ro-innleachd ann an Gàidhlig agus Beurla

Read the strategy in both Gaelic and English

Ro-innleachd turasachd na Gàidhlig do dh’Alba 2024-2029 | Gaelic tourism strategy for Scotland 2024-2029

Published February 2024

Plana gnìomh Gàidhlig do dh’Alba 2024-2029

’S e sgrìobhainn obrach a th’ anns a’ phlana ghnìomh. Tha e a’ sealltainn nan gnìomhan riatanach a dh’fheumar a dhèanamh gus na prìomhachasan ro-innleachdail is builean aonaichte a choileanadh. Le seo, ’s urrainn dhuinn sùil a chumail air adhartas agus measadh a dhèanamh air soirbheachas.

Gaelic action plan for Scotland 2024-2029

The action plan is a working document. It details the essential activities that need to be done to fulfil our strategic priorities and agreed outcomes. This enables us to monitor progress and measure success.

Leughaibh am plana gnìomh ann an Gàidhlig agus Beurla

Read the action plan in both Gaelic and English

Plana gnìomh Gàidhlig do dh’Alba 2024-2029 | Gaelic action plan for Scotland 2024-2029

Published February 2024

Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh | Further information

Taic a thoirt do mar a thèid fàs a thoirt air eaconamaidh turasachd na h-Alba. | Support the growth of the Scottish tourism economy.

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