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Article published 01/08/2022

At the end of 2022, The Flow Country in Caithness and Sutherland, which is part of the Highlands, will submit a nomination to UNESCO to become a World Heritage Site.

If successful, The Flow Country would be listed alongside other World Heritage Site's such as the Great Barrier Reef, the Serengeti, the Okavango Delta and more than 160 other World Heritage Sites inscribed on the World Heritage List for their internationally important natural values.

An important part of the preparations has been the development of the proposed site's draft management plan. This plan is now available for public scrutiny for an eight week period.

The draft management plan has been produced by a partnership of local organisations and individuals which explains to UNESCO how the World Heritage Site would be looked after, should the accolade be awarded. The work of this plan builds on a Nomination Dossier, which is an extensive complementary piece of work which sets out in detail why The Flow Country should be a World Heritage Site, to be submitted by the January 2023 deadline.

After the eight weeks consultation is concluded, all comments will be reviewed and any necessary amends will be made to the final submission alongside the Nomination Dossier to UNESCO. 

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