Scotland’s UNESCO Trail
Scotland’s UNESCO Trail, a dedicated digital trail, was launched last year to connect 13 place-based designations across the country, including World Heritage Sites, Biospheres, Global Geoparks and Creative Cities to form a dedicated digital trail.
The trail was designed specifically to support the ambitions of the national strategy to make Scotland a world-leading responsible tourism destination. It encourages visitors to stay longer, visit all year round, make sustainable travel choices, explore more widely and at the right time of the year. This in turn, contributes to the sustainable quality of life of those communities surrounding the designated sites.
Scotland is the first nation in the world to create such a pioneering initiative. It was developed through a unique partnership between VisitScotland, the Scottish Government, the UK National Commission for UNESCO, Historic Environment Scotland, NatureScot, the National Trust for Scotland and Scotland’s 13 UNESCO designations.