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Article published 01/02/2023

David Adams McGilp, Regional Director

Image of David Adams McGilpWelcome to the first regional update of the year. In this update, we look back at our key activity in the last quarter of 2022. Our industry continues to adjust to tough new financial circumstances and it's clear that these will continue to impact in the year ahead. But there is much to build on and we remain committed to doing what we can to support the industry, whether that’s bringing people to Scotland, offering support and guidance to businesses, or creating opportunities for growth and investment.

Our marketing, funding and business support activities are all aimed at building on these shoots of recovery to support the responsible growth of our industry.

It's been a busy period in Argyll and the Isles – from the launch of our film guide, to influencer Foraged by Fern’s trip to Argyll & the Isles, supporting our Spirit of the Highlands and Islands campaign, on a packed four-day itinerary in the region. Our Great Days Out campaign with the Association of Scotland’s Visitor Attractions (ASVA) and Historic Environment Scotland offers discounted rates to one of the many fantastic attractions and experiences on offer across Argyll and the Isles.

Find out more in this regional update on how all our work is helping to support the ambitions of the national tourism strategy, Scotland Outlook 2030, for Scotland to be a world leader in 21st century tourism.

Marketing Argyll & the Isles

Argyll & the Isles on social media

5.34 million reach

Number of times Argyll & the Isles content reached people on their social channels

+299,000 engagements

Number of reactions, likes, comments, shares and saves on Argyll & the Isles posts.

1.1 million reach

A video of Duntrane Castle on TikTok was the top performing regional post by reach.

Argyll & the Isles in the press

Our Corporate PR team works closely with Scottish and UK media to raise awareness of our work to promote Scotland, Argyll & the Isles to visitors and support for the industry. 

Some of the highlights from our Corporate PR team includes:

  • Our new Set in Scotland guide featuring film locations in Argyll & the Isles
  • An editorial from our Regional Director, David Adams McGilp, looking at the current challenges facing tourism businesses.

To view all the press releases, visit our media centre.

Consumer PR team highlights

Hello from our iCentres

Across Argyll & the Isles, we have iCentres in Balloch, Bowmore, Craignure, Oban and Rothesay. Hear what our iCentres got up to between October and December.

  • In Bowmore,  a friends and family discount helped to increase local retail sales and visits. The team are looking forward to sharing the events programme with visitors when it is ready. A highlight for the team was welcoming an Australian couple who had visited Scotland in the spring but felt it wasn't long enough. They returned in December to escape the hot Australian summer heat and are already looking forward to another trip next year.
  • At our Craignure iCentre,  October saw the return of the annual Mull Car Rally which always brings lots of visitors to the island to spectate. The closed-road event covers the whole island over three days ending in a ceremony on the Sunday. The event is a date locals and visitors alike have pencilled into their diaries every year.
  • Over in Rothesay, the iCentre was busy over the Christmas period with lots of locals doing their Christmas shopping as well as coming to admire the Christmas window display. Residents and visitors are happy to have the cinema fully re-opened again and screens were full in December for the showings of Black Panther and Matilda. The cinema was also used by a local carers group to provide respite for adult and young carers.
  • In Oban, the team were involved in the delivery of the Winter Festival which was a great benefit for the town drawing in more locals and visitors. The team also had the pleasure to welcome many visitors from further afield, including a couple from New Caledonia who shared stories of their own homeland with the team.
  • At our Balloch iCentre, the team saw a rise in visitors to the area thanks to the Drive In Movies taking place in November and December. They were also pleased to see more locals and visitors taking advantage of the brilliant Scottish produce and gifts on offer.

Christmas window display at Rothesay iCentre

The Christmas window display at Rothesay iCentre

Scottish Thistle Awards - Argyll & the Isles winners

Good luck to Tigh na Mara Guesthouse, Coll Hotel, Beinn an Tuirc Distillers Ltd and Fèis Ìle - The Islay Festival, Highlands & Islands Tourism Awards finalists from Argyll & the Isles.

All regional winners will go on to compete at the Scottish Thistle Awards National Final on 9 February 2023 at Edinburgh International Conference Centre.

Scottish Thistle Award Trophy

Thistles Award Trophy

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