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Article published 28/02/2023

Take part in Federation of Small Businesses in Scotland survey

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) in Scotland has launched its biggest ever state of the nation survey project, The Big Small Business Survey.

If you’re a small business owner, we would encourage you to take part. The survey has a series of questions to capture a comprehensive snapshot of trading conditions and challenges across the country.

The aim is to give small businesses, and by extension the communities you represent, a voice so FSB Scotland can make sure its policy work continues to be evidence-based and decision makers both locally and nationally are aware of your needs.

The Big Small Business Survey is open to all small business operators in Scotland, not just FSB members.

What's included in the survey?

The survey covers the following areas:

  • Trading conditions
  • Net zero
  • Regulation
  • Community wealth building / procurement
  • Exporting
  • Staffing
  • Fair work, skills and employment
  • Prices
  • Tourism
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Digital
  • Finance
  • Transport
  • Future

Take a look at the FSB Big Small Business Survey page for more.

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