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Visit Scotland | Alba
Article published 15/06/2023

Road closure timings

The organisers of the UCI World Cycling Championships have provided an update to residents and businesses in Perthshire around road closures associated with the Gran Fondo.

The UCI Cycling World Championships is the first event of its kind ever created with some 13 world championships events taking place from 3 - 13 August this year across Scotland. Perth & Kinross will play host to the Gran Fondo, which forms part of the championships on Friday 4 August.

Thousands of cyclists and spectators from across the globe will travel to compete in the event and celebrate the power of the bike. During the planning phase, Perth & Kinross Council have been working to design routes which will maximises the experience for cyclists and visitors and showcase Perth and Kinross on the global stage, while minimising the impact on local communities.

On Friday 4 August, there will be associated road closures and while it’s understood this may cause some disruption, Perth & Kinross Council thank you in advance for understanding and cooperation.

There are two routes, the longer Gran Fondo route, and a Medio Fondo route.

Please visit the UCI Cycling World Championships website detailing the road closure map for the Grand Fondo and Medio Fondo events, which details the specific roads which will be closed with timings.

Vehicle traffic will not be permitted to travel on these routes during the closures, and all diversion routes will be clearly marked on the day. Please consider how this may affect you, plan accordingly and help to spread the word within your communities.

Community engagement surgeries will be taking place in towns along the routes this summer, which will give an opportunity for you to speak to the organisers, learn more about the event and raise any concerns.

The locations and dates of these will be communicated shortly on their website, and community noticeboards. Information will also be shared over the coming weeks on social media groups and local forums and would encourage you to share these updates.

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