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Visit Scotland | Alba
Article published 06/09/2023

Let’s act on climate change

Scotland’s Climate Week 2023 will run from 25 September to 1 October. The focus is on taking action in the areas that can make the most difference.

Scotland's Climate Week is an annual event that encourages individuals, communities and businesses to come together to show our support for tackling the climate emergency.

It’s also an opportunity to share success stories which can inspire others to take action to help Scotland reach net zero by 2045. National and local government, businesses and organisations, communities, families and individuals are all part of this effort.

This Climate Week is about us all taking action in the areas that have the most impact and sharing success stories with colleagues, family, friends and our communities using #ScotClimateWeek.


In Scotland, travel and heating are the two biggest contributors to emissions by individuals. So, making changes to the way we travel and heat our homes and businesses could make a big difference to climate change. Around one fifth of greenhouse gas emissions come from heating our homes and workplaces.

Actions like using our cars less or improving our heating are not only good for the planet but can help you to save money.

Scotland Climate Week Travel less by car image

How to get involved in Climate Week

The Scottish Government wants to encourage everyone up and down the country to get involved in Scotland’s Climate Week. There’s tailor made content including take action pages, resources and a climate conversations pack to assist you in making Scotland’s Climate Week successful in your organisation.

You can:

  • Like, comment and share social posts

    Scotland’s Climate Week will be promote on the Net Zero Scotland channels across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn . If you don’t already, follow these channels and share the posts.

  • Raise awareness by sharing key messages

    Increase awareness of climate change and promote Climate Week. Use the key messages and the assets provided in the Toolkit to show your support via social media channels, newsletters, websites, intranet and workshops.

  • Spotlight successes on your digital channels

    Showcase actions your organisation has taken to make a difference and tag the Net Zero Scotland channels so we can reshare. Don’t forget to use the hashtags #ScotClimateWeek #LetsDoNetZero.

  • Run an event or climate conversation

    Run an online or in-person event with staff and stakeholders to discuss how they can take action on climate change and your organisation’s role in supporting this.

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