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Article published 16/04/2024

Our "Meet the team" is part of our monthly spotlight on some of the staff across VisitScotland. In this feature, hear from Greg McCraw, our in-house Videographer.

Tell us a bit about yourself...

Originally, I had planned to go into academia, studying film and media at QMU and then being offered a funded PhD to study narrative in VR. But the production track in my undergraduate really lit something in me, and so the economically inconsistent world of freelance production was the route I decided to take. I freelanced for about seven years, working for a range of different organisations, including NHS Scotland, Kodak and Sony. While things became fortunately more economically consistent, I was beginning to feel a bit isolated, so I decided to go in-house where I’d have some regular colleagues. 

Outside of work, I have a passionate love/hate relationship with the gym... we’re currently on a break. I’m a 17-year Cineworld unlimited card veteran and so can regularly be found in the cinema - recent favourites include Poor Things and The Holdovers. I only started drinking coffee in July last year so have solidified my newest addiction with a home barista machine and am currently trying to learn how to do latte art.

I also set up a short film group in November of last year, Weekday Films, which is going very well and scratching a narrative film itch I’ve had for a while.

It’s been great bringing a group of people together, most of whom had never picked up a camera before, and taking them through the writing, filming and now editing process on our own short films. Weekly content will be going out on the Weekday Films YouTube channel, so get in at the ground floor and subscribe now! (Sorry for the sales pitch).  


Greg McCraw
Greg McCraw

What’s your current role at VisitScotland?

My role is Corporate Video Producer, and I’ve been in the role for over seven years now. In a nutshell, the job is to create video content with information and messaging for industry and internal audiences, rather than the videos targeting visitors that our talented multimedia team create.

It’s a pretty varied role. I’m involved in every stage of the production pipeline from development through production and editing. I’m fortunate to be able to get hands on with a camera but also be able to spend time building a video in the edit too.

One of the best things about the job is that I’ve worked in some capacity with almost every department in the organisation, so I get a glimpse into everyone’s roles and find out about many of the interesting things going on across the organisation.

As Video Producer, you must be in high demand across the whole organisation! What are some of your favourite projects you’ve worked on?

Without a doubt the most fun I’ve had on any project was creating the video content for our Staff Conference in 2019. It was an amazing time working with members of staff from across the organisation across the country to create what I felt were really entertaining videos.

I also have to shout out the animation work I do with Craig Nicholson from the design team. Those are always really fun and creative projects and it's a pleasure to work with Craig who’s a really talented designer and animator. Take a look at some of this work in our videos below. 

What are your top tips for creating engaging video content?

I’d say the first thing is to make sure the content is relevant for your audience. Try to understand their needs, interests and pain points then tailor your video content accordingly. In corporate video, your target audience doesn’t generally have time to watch hours of video in their day so aim for brevity in your content. Keep it concise and focused, ensuring that the message is conveyed effectively within a limited timeframe.

Also, as much as you can, take a storytelling approach. Stories have the power to evoke emotions and create a strong human connection and are inherently more memorable than facts or figures alone.

By framing key messages within a narrative context, videos can leave a lasting impression on viewers and increase message retention and recall.

Do you have a favourite place in Scotland that you love to visit, or where’s next on your Scotland bucket list?

One of my favourite places in Scotland is Lochgoilhead, I used to holiday there a lot when I was a kid and it’s such a beautiful part of the country. I also had the good fortune to go out to Tiree with work a few years ago which was incredible. So next on my Scotland bucket list is to take in more of the Hebrides.

A young Greg in Lochgoilhead with family
A young Greg in Lochgoilhead!

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