Keynote speakers
Keynote speakers on the day will include the Minister for Culture Europe and International Development, Kaukab Stewart.
She will reflect on the importance of Scotland’s world-leading events status and reinforce the role of the National Events Strategy in building on the many achievements of the events sector to date. She will also discuss future challenges and emerging priorities.
Susan Sawbridge, Managing Partner at New Zealand based company Daylight LTD, will bring an international perspective to the conference as part of her keynote presentation.
She is set to highlight how other countries and regions are working with events to drive change and achieve economic, social, and cultural benefit.
Paul Bush OBE, VisitScotland Director of Events, will draw on the impact of a consistent and sustained focus on developing Scotland’s events sector over the last twenty years. He will also discuss the need to maintain our ambition and retain our global events status in a constantly evolving world.