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We’ve now launched our new Business Support Hub with tailored advice to help you start, improve and grow your business. Please take a look at our new and updated advice and share your thoughts.

Article published 05/11/2024

Inspire, inform and connect

Perthshire Talks Responsible Tourism is a programme of webinars and events, which focuses on a range of issues or topics specifically tailored for tourism, events and hospitality businesses.

The series aims to inspire, inform and connect tourism businesses across the region. 

These webinars were hosted and delivered in partnership with VisitScotland and Perth & Kinross Council, on behalf of the Perthshire Tourism Partnership.

This webinars series focused on responsible tourism, exploring inclusive tourism and taking climate action. These topics are identified as opportunities within the Perth & Kinross Tourism Action Plan.

Inclusive tourism

Did you know…? 

  • one in four people in the UK have a disability or health impairment 
  • £274 billion is the spending power of disabled people to the UK economy 
  • senior travellers have a 35% higher spend on leisure and hospitality than other age groups 

Inclusive tourism is about providing a warm welcome and quality experience for all our visitors, without barriers - a visit that’s memorable for all the right reasons. 

These webinars promoted the value and importance of inclusive tourism, and helping businesses improve the experience they offer to customers who may need specific adjustments or facilities. These include disabled people, senior travellers, families with young children, and those with a temporary or long-term medical condition.

Climate action 

Tourism is a clear contributor to the global climate crisis, but also stands to suffer its consequences.

It’s now more important than ever for tourism to step up and show how the sector can be part of the solution. 

Climate change and extreme weather events have already harmed many aspects of our natural environment. And these adverse effects trickle down to our communities and businesses as well. 

Our climate action webinars guided buisnesses through our climate impact guide highlighting six quick actions for businesses starting out on their climate action journey.

For those already on that climate action journey, we also explored the different climate action themes and what they mean for your business.

Browse past webinars and view presentations

Perthshire Talks Responsible Tourism: accessibility information to promote your business

In this webinar we focused on practical advice, top tips and guidance on how to use detailed access guides to market your business to new customers - highlighting the importance of promoting your accessible information. 

The session also included a range of helpful resources, we've listed some of these for your information:

Webinar recording 

Perthshire Talks Responsible Tourism: climate action planning

In this webinar we heard how businesses can reduce emissions with our simple climate impact guide and free climate action workbook. 

The session also included practical advice, top tips and guidance on a range of helpful resources, we've listed some of these for your information: 

climate action planning

Published September 2024

Perthshire Talks Responsible Tourism: unlock the potential of accessible tourism

In this webinar we focused on the value of the accessible tourism market, the barriers that some consumers face and how best to attract these extremely loyal customers.  
The session also included practical advice, top tips and guidance on a range of helpful resources, we've listed some of these for your information: 

Inclusive Tourism - unlock the potential

Published September 2024