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Visit Scotland | Alba

We’ve now launched our new Business Support Hub with tailored advice to help you start, improve and grow your business. Please take a look at our new and updated advice and share your thoughts.

1. Introduction

1.1    As a NDPB, VisitScotland does not have a statutory obligation toward Best Value, however, it is required to show that it provides Best Value in delivering its services. To evidence this the organisation uses the full AuditScotland Best Value toolkit suite. This covers 18 areas of operation asking 320 separate questions which have four possible answers /  criteria:

  • not applicable
  • best practice
  • better practice
  • advanced practice

The questions all have prompts / examples that aid management to pick a criterion. Staff will be invited to join toolkit project teams to complete the various toolkits.

2. Purpose and scope

2.1    This policy states that VisitScotland will undertake a review of Best Value every three years using the AuditScotland toolkits to score the organisation’s performance.

2.2    The policy also states that management will take at a minimum two topics from each of the 18 toolkits and seek to improve performance in that area with the intention that this will help to instill a culture of continuous improvement in the organisation and so create and improve Best Value.

3. Policy statement, commitment & responsibilities

3.1    Those staff who are in the toolkit project teams will work together to improve performance as outlined in 2.1 above during the three-year cycle.

3.2    At the end of the three-year cycle staff will be asked to score the organisation’s performance using the toolkit.

3.3    Staff will be invited to participate in the activity. Those involved will be expected to understand the activities contained in the particular toolkit.

3.4    Advice on this matter can be sought from the Director of Corporate Services or the Head of Performance and Governance.

4. Principles & legislative framework

4.1    The organisation will use the current version of the AuditScotland toolkit to undertake the review every three years.

5. Definitions

Best Value entails both corporate assessment and performance assessment elements. This review is a corporate self-assessment.

6. Relationship to other VisitScotland policies

6.1    Other relevant policies are;

  • procurement policy
  • strategic framework
  • equalities
  • IT strategy
  • HR policies (various)
  • risk strategy
  • sustainability strategy (internal and external)
  • governance framework
  • planning guidelines
  • partnership strategy

7. Training

7.1    It is not envisaged that any particular training other than an initial introduction to the toolkits is expected to be required.

8. Monitoring and review

8.1    Every three years the results of the scoring of the toolkits will be reported to the Leadership Group, ARC and Board. In addition, the same groups will receive an annual update on progress the toolkit teams have made with the improvement activities that they are undertaking.

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