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Under the Health & Safety at Work Act, (1974) VisitScotland Group has a duty to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable the health and safety at work of all employees for both physical and mental health. The potential for accidents and incidents can be minimised by adherence to this policy and by all employees taking a positive approach to safety.

VisitScotland Group will promote and support a positive health and safety culture through a three step process;

A. Organising for health and safety, we will:

A.1    Develop methods of control within the organisation through clear reference to health and safety responsibilities. We will ensure reviews and audits are carried out to identify any actions required to constantly improve health and safety performance.

A.2    Develop ways of securing the co-operation and collaboration of all staff and representative groups to agree operating systems and procedures in relation to the management of health and safety.

A.3    Develop clear channels of communication to ensure all staff are aware of the management commitment to the health and safety policy and are kept up to date on any changes to the policy or the practices required to support the policy.

A.4    Ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities in relation to health and safety and that staff with specific health and safety responsibilities are competent to carry out those responsibilities.

A.5    Ensure that all staff involved with event management are aware of their responsibilities.

B. Planning and implementing, we will:

B.1    Develop risk control systems to identify, eliminate and control hazards and risks in the workplace.

B.2    Establish the current health and safety culture within the organisation through staff engagement and survey.

B.3    Develop a plan for maintaining and improving the management of health and safety including management arrangements, annual workplace and manual handling assessments and performance standards.

B.4    Implement a travel management process to ensure the safety of those staff who travel on VisitScotland Group business.

C. Measuring, auditing, and reviewing performance, we will:

C.1    Monitor and measure progress against the plan through reports to be issued to each Health & Safety Committee meeting throughout the year.

C.2    Deliver annually to the Audit & Risk Committee and Board a Health and Safety Report which will include the health and safety risk register.

C.3    We will report to the Audit & Risk Committee and Board throughout the year on regular basis on Health and safety matters and on exceptional matters.

C.4    Ensure the periodic examination of documents including training records to check that practices supporting the Health & Safety policy are being carried out to the agreed standards.

C.5    Ensure the regular inspection of premises and equipment to ensure compliance with Health and Safety standards. Ensure that Line Managers (and others who may be appointed) review workplace and fire risk assessments to assess compliance with risk control systems and associated procedures and rules.

C.6    Develop and maintain a regular audit of health and safety through risk control systems and ensure that appropriate workplace precautions are in place to fit the needs of each location.

C.7    We will publish a summary of the minutes of the Health and Safety Committee meetings.

C.8    Undertake regular audits of major events organised by VisitScotland which will be included in the Health and Safety Management plan.

1. Board

1.1    It is the duty of the Board, as the governing body of VisitScotland Group, to ensure that responsibility for health and safety of staff, visitors and others affected by VisitScotland Group activities is properly and adequately fulfilled.  To carry out this responsibility the Board and subsidiary Boards, through the Audit & Risk Committees and good governance, will provide leadership and support to promote the importance of health and safety.

1.2    Responsibilities are:

1.2.1    To approve the Health & Safety Policy of the organisation.

1.2.2    To receive regular reports from the Health and Safety Committee on Health and safety matters and on exceptional matters.

1.2.3    To review the annual report and risk register which will contain information relating to safety issues which may have an impact on the business.

1.2.4    Appoint Board Members to the Audit & Risk Committee who will ensure that the organisation follows appropriate procedures.

2. Leadership Teams

2.1    It is the duty of the Leadership Teams to implement and manage the health and safety policy for VisitScotland, to ensure that it is maintained, and that adequate financial resources are available to implement the provisions.

2.2    Responsibilities are:

2.2.1    To set a personal example to staff in relation to the importance of Health and Safety at work.

2.2.2    To demonstrate senior management commitment through the appointment of the Director of Corporate Services who will have overall responsibility for formulating and implementing the policy.

2.2.3    To discharge the organisation’s duty of care by delegating specific health and safety duties to competent people to ensure adequate systems are in place to ensure that VisitScotland Group meets its health and safety commitments.

2.2.4    To objectively challenge the health and safety performance of the organisation and to implement matters referred to it by the Board, the Audit and Risk Committee, The Health and Safety committee and others.

3. Internal health & safety management

3.1    The Head of Group Estates and Resilience will act as the Competent Person for the business. They are a member of the Health and Safety Committee and assisted by the Health & Safety Manager will act as adviser on statutory obligations under Health and Safety legislation

3.2    Responsibilities are to:

3.2.1    Create a culture of Health & Safety awareness in the organisation and to promote the integration of Health & Safety into all levels of the organisation’s operations and maintain an up to date knowledge of legislative and statutory requirements.

3.2.2    ensure the provision of authoritative and independent advice to the business on compliance with current health and safety legislation.

3.2.3    have delegated authority to stop work if it contravenes agreed standards and puts people at risk of harm.

3.2.4    record and ensure any investigations are carried out for notifiable accidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses, and to make recommendations to the Health and Safety Committee to prevent recurrence.

3.2.5    ensure that adequate systems of audit and risk assessment are in place and that records of findings are maintained, analysed and used for continuous improvement of safety management

3.2.6    support and give guidance to line management to resolve health and safety issues as in 4.2.2.

3.2.7    make recommendations to the organisation and the Health and Safety Committee for amendments in procedures in light of changes in legislation, regulations, or good practice and to ensure, as appropriate, the implementation of any changes.

3.2.8    provide the Health & Safety Committee and the Leadership Team with information to enable them to monitor health and safety performance across the organisation.

3.2.9    develop and maintain positive and mutually beneficial relationships with external bodies and individuals, e.g. local authority environmental health officers, fire service and police - crime prevention.

3.2.10    produce an annual Management Plan for approval by the Health & Safety Committee and report on progress at each meeting.

3.2.11    Produce an annual Health and Safety report for submission to the Board and Audit and Risk Committee.

3.2.12    liaise with others in the organisation on matters of security as appropriate

3.2.13    Formulate and develop all aspects of safety policy and procedures and to set key performance indicators (KPIs) and report on them.

3.2.14    ensure that a desk assessment is carried out by a qualified member of staff when requested. Staff who are attending a medical professional with musculoskeletal problems will have a full medical assessment carried out by a Consultant on production of a written recommendation from the medical professional.

3.2.15    support CWC2023 Management to ensure staff compliance with VisitScotland Group’s Health & Safety Policy and procedures

4. Line-managers – leadership teams, regional area manager – information, heads of department and senior staff members (when working away from normal place of work)

4.1    It is the duty of Line-Managers in the day to day operations of the business to ensure compliance with the Health and Safety Policy and Procedures and to ensure the health and safety at work of employees, and those affected by VisitScotland Group operations.

4.2    Responsibilities are:

4.2.1    To provide clear direction and to take responsibility for health and safety matters in their areas of control, covering the well-being of employees, visitors and contractors and to delegate responsibility as appropriate.

4.2.2    To give support and guidance on safe methods of working to all employees in particular new employees,  staff returning to work after pandemic or major incidents, maternity/paternity leave, after a period of illness, recovering from an injury and for those with additional needs.

4.2.3    To create a positive atmosphere and encourage at all levels within the organisation a culture of accident and incident prevention.

4.2.4    To identify the training needs of staff and work with Human Resources, Head of Group Estates and Resilience and Health & Safety Manager to ensure these needs are met

4.2.5    To ensure that time is made available for new staff to complete mandatory training within 10 working days of the employees start date and for existing staff to complete their 3-yearly renewal timeously.

4.2.6    To ensure all risk assessments for places of work, planned events and all future operations are completed and to keep a record in a corporate repository.

4.2.7    To work in conjunction with the Health & Safety Manager to ensure that an annual health and safety and fire prevention risk assessment of the workplace is carried out to ensure that high standards of health and safety are achieved.

4.2.8    To ensure full co-operation with safety representatives on all related matters, and to maintain regular liaison with other parties involved, e.g. Union, co-tenants, or sub-tenants, where health and safety matters are concerned.

4.2.9    When working away from the normal place of work, which includes home working, to contribute to the maintenance of a safe environment.

4.2.10    To immediately report any work related stress concerns to

4.2.11    To immediately report any other health and safety concerns through the Facilities Service desk or email to

4.2.12    To assist the Health & Safety Manager and others in the investigation of any major incidents, notifiable accidents or near misses.

4.2.13    To ensure risk assessments are carried out for any hazardous situations likely to cause injury, harm or damage and to keep a record in a corporate repository.

5. Employees

5.1    It is the duty of Employees at all levels to work in a way that ensures their own safety and that of others with whom they work, and those affected by VisitScotland Group operations

5.2    Responsibilities are:

5.2.1    To observe all safety rules at all times regardless of work location and take care of their own safety and security.

5.2.2    To ensure all mandatory training is completed  within 10 working days of the start date  and at         3-yearly intervals thereafter

5.2.3    To familiarise themselves with emergency procedures at their local site and any site being visited.

5.2.4    When working away from the normal place of work to contribute to the maintenance of a safe working environment.

5.2.5    To maintain and contribute towards a safe working environment, regardless of location, by not        intentionally or recklessly interfering with anything provided to safeguard the health and safety of themselves or others.

5.2.6    Immediately report to the appropriate Line Manager or Health & Safety management any        health and safety concerns, including actual incidents and near misses.  Work related stress concerns should be reported to

5.2.7    To co-operate with Line Managers and Health & Safety Management on all related matters.

5.2.8    Complete a Working from Home Assessment annually or when required due to a change in home workstation location/layout.

6. Human resources

6.1    It is the duty of Human Resources to ensure that adequate and appropriate training is made available to staff in line with guidance provided by internal Health & Safety management and operational line managers

6.2    Responsibilities are:

6.2.1    To ensure that employees and others engaged on the organisation’s activities are competent in the appropriate levels of skill and health and safety practices to enable them to fulfil their duties

6.2.2    Assist Health & Safety Management as required in the event of a Reportable Incident, Diseases, Dangerous Occurrence Register (RIDDOR) incident.

6.2.3    To ensure, working with the Health and Safety Manager, that employees receive appropriate instruction and training. This will include but will not be restricted to:

  1. Induction training – new starts, seasonal staff and temps etc.,
  2. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
  3. Emergency drills.
  4. Fire Wardens.
  5. First Aid.
  6. Health and Safety – assessments, etc
  7. Manual Handling
  8. Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
  9. Fire Safety
  10. Specific training as required

6.2.4    To ensure that the Organisation has appropriate policies and systems in place to manage work related stress.

6.2.5    Carry out risk assessments for all Expectant Mothers as and when required.

7. Health and safety committee

7.1    It is the duty of the Health and Safety Committee to meet on a regular basis to review procedures, systems and improvement progress to ensure the health and safety at work of employees, others with whom they work, and those affected by VisitScotland Group's operations.

7.2    The Health & Safety Committee will regularly review Health & Safety Arrangements and Procedures as an extension of this policy to provide more detailed  guidance to staff on health and safety matters as and when appropriate.

7.3    The Health and Safety Committee comprises representatives from all Directorates of the organisation, 2023 Cycling World Championships Ltd and a Trade Union representative.

7.4    The Health and Safety Committee is not responsible for the development and implementation of safe working practices around the events being delivered by 2023 Cycling World Championships Ltd. This is the responsibility of 2023 Cycling World Championships Ltd CEO, reporting to the Boards and VisitScotland CEO.

7.5    Responsibilities are to:

7.5.1    Maintain an up to date awareness of legislative and statutory requirements.

7.5.2    Represent employees from all areas of the business.

7.5.3    Monitor current performance against KPIs and to take appropriate action.

7.5.4    Assist in the development of new procedures and the promotion of general awareness of health and safety

7.5.5    Review incidents and near misses to identify trends, issues and business implications

7.5.6    Ensure appropriate training is delivered to meet business needs

7.5.7    To report on a regular basis to the Leadership Team, Audit & Risk Committee and Board of Directors.

7.5.8    Review and where necessary challenge the actions and scoring of the Health & Safety Risk Register.

7.5.9     Review the Health & Safety Management Plan presented at each meeting.

7.5.10    Review the implementation and efficacy of the work-related stress policies and systems.

8. 2023 Cycling World Championships management

8.1    It is the duty of the 2023 Cycling World Championships Leadership Team to implement the health and safety policy for VisitScotland Group for the daily operation of its activities

8.2    Responsibilities are to:

8.2.1    Liaise with VisitScotland Group’s Competent Person to ensure compliance with VisitScotland’s Group’s Health & Safety Policy and procedures

8.2.2    Have a representative attend  the VisitScotland Group Health & Safety Committee  

8.2.3    Ensure robust Health & Safety plans are in place

8.2.4    Maintain a process for the Event Safety Specialist to report to The 2023 Cycling World Championships Management Team, 2023 Cycling World Championships Chief Executive and the VisitScotland Group Chief Executive.

9. Relevant policies

  • Adverse Weather
  • Lone Working
  • Maternity
  • On Call and Out of Hours
  • Motor Vehicle
  • Overtime and Time off in Lieu
  • Volunteering
  • Vaccination
  • Hybrid Working

10. Health & safety arrangements

Accident reporting and investigation

Asbestos at work

Communication and consultation with employees

Control of substances hazardous to health

Display screen equipment

Driving for work purposes

Electrical safety

Fire safety

First aid

Home-Hybrid working

Legionella and water hygiene management

Lone working

New and expectant mothers

Risk assessment

Workplace health and safety

Young persons