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  • In 2023, Germany was Scotland’s second largest international source market measured by number of visits. It was third by expenditure and second by number nights.
  • German visitors accounted for 9% of all overseas visits to Scotland and 7% of all overseas spend in Scotland in 2023.
  • The German market performed strongly in 2023. The number of visits and expenditure surpassing both 2022 and pre-pandemic levels.
  • Those who travel from Germany to Scotland are motivated to visit by our great natural beauty and vast unspoilt landscapes. German visitors to Scotland enjoy touring our country.
  • On this page, we've highlighted information from a number of key sources as well as tips for targeting the German visitor.

Key statistics


total number of visits by German visitors to Scotland in 2023

2.6 million

total number of nights spent in Scotland by German visitors in Scotland in 2023

£247 million

total spend by German visitors to Scotland in 2023


average nights per visit by German visitors to Scotland in 2023

Source: International Passenger Survey, 2023 (numbers have been rounded)

1. Executive summary 2023

Germany remains a core international market for Scotland. In 2023, Germany was Scotland’s second largest international source market measured by number of visits. It was third by expenditure and second by number nights.

German visitors accounted for 9% of all overseas visits to Scotland and 7% of all overseas spend in Scotland in 2023.

The German market performed strongly in 2023, with the number of visits surpassing 2022 levels by 46% and pre-pandemic levels by 6%. Expenditure also increased in 2023, surpassing 2022 levels by 44% and pre pandemic levels by 26%.

There was a slight shift in trip intentions for German visitors in 2023, with a higher proportion of holiday visits taking place compared to pre-pandemic levels. The average spend per visit in 2023 was £719. The average spend per night was £94. The average length of stay was 7.6 nights.

Source: International Passenger Survey, 2023

Explore data and graphs going back to 2013 on

Profile of German overnight visitors to Scotland


of German visitors to Scotland were repeat visitors


of German visitors to Scotland toured Scotland staying in two or more places


of German visitors to Scotland were on holiday as a couple


of German visitors to Scotland were retired

Source: Scotland Visitor Survey, 2023 (leisure overnight visitors only)

2. Scotland Visitor Survey 2023

In 2023, we commissioned the Scotland Visitor Survey. The survey explored all aspects of the visitor experience in Scotland and allowed us to talk to visitors from specific markets, including Germany.

The scope of the survey was leisure overnight visitors only. The key findings on our German visitors can be summarised as follows:

  • Scotland's scenery was a strong driver to visit for our North European markets. Our past research also told us that the openness, remoteness, and ruggedness of Scotland’s landscape were all perceived to be strong benefits of a holiday in this country by German travellers.
  • Scotland's people and outdoor activities stood out as stronger drivers for our German visitors than other European markets.
  • Personal recommendations were a key source of inspiration, followed by digital resources. 37% of German visitors also stated that they were inspired by a film, TV, or a book featuring Scotland.
  • 55% used at least one type of travel intermediary for holiday planning (broadly this refers to travel agents, tour operators, online market places, and travel comparison websites).
  • 39% booked their accommodation directly with their accommodation provider. 70% booked via a travel intermediary (please note, it is possible that some visitors used multiple channels due to the touring nature of some trips).
  • 74% booked their transport to Scotland directly with the transport provider. 26% booked via a travel intermediary.
  • 60% travelled to Scotland via plane (either direct or indirect), 26% by boat, ship or ferry, and 25% by car (either own or hire car). Please note multiple modes of transport could be used.
  • 68% were quite or very likely to return to Scotland in the next five years.

Spotlight on our visitors from Germany

Published November 2024

Information is also available at a Scotland-level on a variety of topics, including:

  • motivations
  • planning and booking
  • satisfaction
  • travel

Detail on the background and study methodology is also available. For further information on what's available, you can browse the Scotland Visitor Survey 2023.

Browse our visitor survey.

3. VisitBritain MIDAS research 2022

In 2022, our partner, VisitBritain undertook comprehensive research with international leisure travellers. They spoke to global tourists from many markets, including Germany.

Whilst the research focused on perceptions and experiences of Britain, there are insights which are useful for the Scottish tourism industry.

West European markets were more likely to demand a variety of interesting people, experiences, and food and beverage options. These needs seemed more distinctive than drivers in the other European regions.

Read the full MIDAS research on

4. Tips for targeting the German visitor

  • Promote natural assets

    Our German visitors enjoy exploring. Promote products and experiences that allow German visitors to actively engage with our landscape and nature.

    Also highlight new experiences and events. Some German visitors will be repeat visitors and will be looking for new ways to explore Scotland.

  • Highlight Scotland's people

    Scotland’s people are an important driver for German visitors. Consider ways to allow German visitors to engage with the people within your business or the people within the local community.

    You could, for example, set up behind-the-scenes tours of your business or signpost to social enterprises in your area that visitors can support like social enterprise cafés.

  • Tell your story

    Work with our press team. Our global team work with travel and lifestyle press in market to encourage German visitors to Scotland.

    Find out how our PR activity can benefit your business.

  • Get travel trade ready

    We work with Scottish businesses and can advise on how to engage with German travel intermediaries. Do you already offer products and experiences that are bookable by the travel trade? Then please register your interest in a travel trade listing.

    Work with our travel trade team on

    You can also browse our travel trade event, exhibition or business development mission, and join us in person.

    Browse our list of travel trade events and exhibitions.

5. Official statistics and partners

The International Passenger Survey is a continuous survey carried out by the Office for National Statistics. It covers all major air, sea, and tunnel ports. 

The survey provides information on the numbers and types of visits made by people travelling to and from the UK. Anonymous face-to-face interviews are undertaken with a sample of passengers entering and leaving the UK.

Find out more on the survey methodology on

Read further ONS publications on

Read how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on the IPS data collection on

6. Additional research resources

Related links