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Visit Scotland | Alba


  • The Great Britain Day Visits Survey (GBDVS) is a national consumer survey. It measures the volume and value of domestic day visits taken by residents in Great Britain. The survey provides detailed information about trip and visitor characteristics.
  • The survey is jointly sponsored by VisitEngland, VisitScotland, and Visit Wales. It's currently undertaken by independent research agency, BMG. 
  • This page details the findings for domestic day visits in Scotland. Figures for Great Britain have also been provided for comparative purposes.
  • Please note, the 2023 data is currently under a methodogical review. The aim of the review is to reduce volatility in the data and provide an accurate view of trends over time. Any updates to the data will be published on this page during quarter 4 2024. For more information, please view the documents within the definitions and methodology section of this page.

1. Executive summary 2023

92.9 million

tourism day visits to Scotland by GB residents in 2023

£3.9 billion

total tourism day visit spend by GB residents in Scotland in 2023


average daily spend per tourism day visit in Scotland in 2023

Source: Great Britain Day Visits Survey, 2023

Tourism day visits and spend to Scotland 2023 and 2022

Year Visits Spend Spend per visit
2023 92.9 million 3,879 million £42
2022 94.8 million 3,937 million £42
% change -2% -1% 0

Volume and spend on day visits 2023

Great Britain residents took 293.4 million leisure day visits lasting over three hours in Scotland with £9.5 billion spent during these visits in 2023. 32% of leisure day visits taken in Scotland were tourism day visits. There were 92.9 million tourism day visits taken with an associated spend of £3.9 billion.

When compared with 2022, tourism day visits and associated spend to Scotland had decreased. The average spend for tourism day visits to Scotland had stayed stable at £42 per visit.

Quarter 3 (July to September) of 2023 had the highest total tourism day visits at 30.6 million. Level of spend was highest during October to December 2023, with a total of £1.0 billion spent on tourism day visits.

The average spend on over three hour leisure day visits was £32 in Scotland compared to £37 average for leisure day visits taken in Great Britain.

The average spend for tourism day visits in Scotland was £42 compared to the average of £44 taken in Great Britain.

Profile of tourism day visits 2023

The largest proportion of tourism day visits taken in Scotland were to visit friends or relatives (24%). The activity undertaken on tourism day visits that had the highest level of spend was food and drink, a night out, or speciality shopping (£704 million).

Almost half of tourism day visits taken in Scotland were to large cities or towns (47%). These locations also saw the highest level of spend at £2.6 billion.

The West of Scotland was the main region that was visited for 45% of tourism day visits during trips to Scotland in 2023. Tourism day visits to this region also generated the highest proportion of spend (45%).

Residents of Scotland generated the highest volume of tourism day visits and spend in Scotland. This accounted for 82% of tourism day visits taken and 80% of spend.

Families accounted for the highest proportion of tourism day visits (47%) and spend (44%) in Scotland.

Great Britain Day Visits Survey quarter four and full year 2023 - full report

Published March 2024

Includes methodology and quality report.

2. Definitions and methodology

The producers of the domestic tourist statistics (VisitScotland, Visit Wales and VisitEngland) work closely with the appointed research agency on the statistical processing and quality management of the survey. Detailed technical reports are available on request.


The Great Britain Day Visits Survey (GBDVS) is a national consumer survey. It measures the volume and value of domestic day visits taken by residents in Great Britain.

Data is gathered via an online survey. Results are weighted to provide an nationally representative estimation of day visit volume and value. Further detail on methodology can be found in the latest background and quality report to download on this page.

In 2019, the producers of the domestic tourist statistics undertook a review of the requirements and methods for producing the statistics. This was to help future-proof the data collection methods.

Results published from April 2021 onwards are not directly comparable with data published for 2019 and previous years because:

  • statistics from 2021 onwards are based on a new combined survey
  • changes in survey methodology introduced in 2021, together with the interruption in data collection due to coronavirus (COVID-19)

The target annual sample size for the Great Britain Day Visits Survey is 35,000 completed interviews for Great Britain.


Term Definition
Three hours or more leisure day visits These are visits by adults and accompanied children that lasted for three or more hours. This includes travel time, to undertake one or more eligible leisure activities.
Tourism day visits These are a subset of three hours or more leisure day visits. To qualify as a tourism day visit, they must meet the additional criteria. They must have undertaken them less often than once a week and must include a visit to a place outside of the local authority where the visit started.

Great Britain Day Visits Survey 2023 - background and quality report

Published May 2024

Domestic tourism statistics - statement on methodological review (updated)

Published October 2024

3. Official statistics and partners

The Great Britain Day Visits Survey (GBDVS) is a national consumer survey. It's produced in adherence with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics (2022). This code is produced by the Office for Statistics Regulation.

VisitScotland jointly sponsors the survey with our partners, VisitEngland and Visit Wales.

Read the Code of Practi ce for Official Statistics on

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