In the third quarter of 2024, residents of Great Britain took 2.9 million overnight trips in Scotland with 9.1 million nights and £1.1 billion spent overall. When compared with the same period in 2023, volume of domestic trips and nights had decreased, whereas value of spend had increased.
9% of all GB trips in quarter three of 2024 included an overnight stay in Scotland, with the share of total GB nights at 9% and spend at 10%.
On average, quarter three saw longer stays and higher spend then the first two quarters of the year. The average duration of Scotland trips during the reporting period was 3.1 nights with an average spend per night of £361 and an average spend per trip of £118.
Holidays made up the largest proportion of domestic overnight trips in Scotland during the third quarter of 2024, accounting for 35% of trips, 48% of nights, and 42% of spend.