Under the Health & Safety at Work Act, (1974) VisitScotland Group has a duty to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable the health and safety at work of all employees for both physical and mental health. The potential for accidents and incidents can be minimised by adherence to this policy and by all employees taking a positive approach to safety.
VisitScotland Group will promote and support a positive health and safety culture through a three step process;
A. Organising for health and safety, we will:
A.1 Develop methods of control within the organisation through clear reference to health and safety responsibilities. We will ensure reviews and audits are carried out to identify any actions required to constantly improve health and safety performance.
A.2 Develop ways of securing the co-operation and collaboration of all staff and representative groups to agree operating systems and procedures in relation to the management of health and safety.
A.3 Develop clear channels of communication to ensure all staff are aware of the management commitment to the health and safety policy and are kept up to date on any changes to the policy or the practices required to support the policy.
A.4 Ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities in relation to health and safety and that staff with specific health and safety responsibilities are competent to carry out those responsibilities.
A.5 Ensure that all staff involved with event management are aware of their responsibilities.
B. Planning and implementing, we will:
B.1 Develop risk control systems to identify, eliminate and control hazards and risks in the workplace.
B.2 Establish the current health and safety culture within the organisation through staff engagement and survey.
B.3 Develop a plan for maintaining and improving the management of health and safety including management arrangements, annual workplace and manual handling assessments and performance standards.
B.4 Implement a travel management process to ensure the safety of those staff who travel on VisitScotland Group business.
C. Measuring, auditing, and reviewing performance, we will:
C.1 Monitor and measure progress against the plan through reports to be issued to each Health & Safety Committee meeting throughout the year.
C.2 Deliver annually to the Audit & Risk Committee and Board a Health and Safety Report which will include the health and safety risk register.
C.3 We will report to the Audit & Risk Committee and Board throughout the year on regular basis on Health and safety matters and on exceptional matters.
C.4 Ensure the periodic examination of documents including training records to check that practices supporting the Health & Safety policy are being carried out to the agreed standards.
C.5 Ensure the regular inspection of premises and equipment to ensure compliance with Health and Safety standards. Ensure that Line Managers (and others who may be appointed) review workplace and fire risk assessments to assess compliance with risk control systems and associated procedures and rules.
C.6 Develop and maintain a regular audit of health and safety through risk control systems and ensure that appropriate workplace precautions are in place to fit the needs of each location.
C.7 We will publish a summary of the minutes of the Health and Safety Committee meetings.
C.8 Undertake regular audits of major events organised by VisitScotland which will be included in the Health and Safety Management plan.