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Visit Scotland | Alba

Apply for a brown tourist sign

Make your business easier to find

Brown tourist signs are widely recognised around Scotland. They provide visitors with clear and consistent directions to their destination. Our remit is to approve your eligibility before you can submit your application to your local authority roads department. Please follow our quick step-by-step guide to walk you through the process.

A quick guide to making your application

  1. 1

    Check that you qualify as a tourist destination

    A tourist destination is defined in traffic sign legislation* as a permanently established attraction or facility that:

    • attracts or is used by visitors to an area
    • is open to the public without prior booking during its normal opening hours
    • is recognised by us

    *As defined by The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016

  2. 2

    Request your letter of accreditation

    Before you apply for a brown tourist sign, you will need an official accreditation letter. To ask for one, eligible businesses should contact

    Our remit

    Please note that we are responsible for approving eligibility to apply for signage. Our remit does not include responsibility for approving signage.

  3. 3

    Apply to local authority roads department

    Once you have your accreditation letter you can make your application. Your first point of contact should be your local authority roads department. They manage all requests and can progress your application on local roads. Approval is their decision.

    Where applicable, you may be asked to liaise with Transport Scotland or one of its operating companies. This is the case for signage requests on trunk roads or motorways.

Eligible for tourist signposting

The purpose of tourist signs is to provide clear directions to enable visitors to reach quality tourist destinations safely by vehicle. The following are some examples of tourist destinations.

Eligible tourist attractions include Eligible tourist facilities include
  • ancient monuments
  • arts venues
  • garden centres
  • golf courses
  • historic buildings and properties
  • leisure, sport and activity centres
  • museums
  • natural attractions (such as nature reserves)
  • parks and gardens
  • theme parks
  • tourist shops**
  • visitor centres
  • zoos
  • bed & breakfasts
  • caravan and camping
  • guesthouses
  • holiday parks
  • hotels
  • restaurants

Ineligible for tourist signposting

Ineligible tourist destinations include
  • exclusive use venues
  • accommodation used exclusively by groups
  • self-catering or glamping accommodation, except:
    • where multiple units have a staffed reception area and have on-spec accommodation available on a nightly basis
    • where the accommodation is eligible for traffic management and / or road safety issues in certain circumstances
  • tours, except:
    • where the tour operator has a staffed reception area and has on-spec tours available
  • worshipping churches or places of active worship, except:
    • where the property is open to the public outwith scheduled times of worship
    • where the property has a formal, regular visitor proposition

Frequently asked questions

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