8. Destination Net Zero
Destination Net Zero is an excellent example of joint agency working in a complex and evolving policy area.
The project set the conditions to create a greener tourism sector. This demonstrates commitment through the delivery to Scotland’s Net Zero agenda and Tourism Outlook 2030 aims.
It created a robust, globally recognised evidence base against which industry ambitions will be developed, monitored, and supported.
The project developed a framework for a sector which invests in its people, businesses, places, and communities. This confirms Scotland’s position as a responsible tourism destination.
It positioned Scotland as a global leader in the development of policy, strategy, and actions to enable a transition to a net zero visitor economy.
The project supported the sector to have the capacity, capability, and innovation ability to invest in low carbon initiatives.
It increased business resilience. But it also set the scene across Scotland within all business sizes for the adoption of carbon reducing strategies.
The project pump-primed tourism destinations and communities. This let them collaborate around low carbon initiatives. It also provided exemplars to inspire further action.
Specific outputs include:
19 infrastructure investments were delivered. These showcased carbon reduction measures and development approaches which can be replicated.
Additional leverage of £3.73 million investment from other sources. This is a result of a £1.9 million destination net zero infrastructure investment in 19 projects.
Innovation and community wealth creation projects were delivered in remote rural locations with long-term assets. These included community owned EV and e-bike infrastructure.
Support was provided to circa 310 businesses to undertake carbon reduction activities. These included development of carbon monitoring plans, installation of kit (including EV charge facilities), and food waste reduction measures.
Engagement of 231 businesses through a range of events, one to many, one to few and online engagements (workshops, seminars etc). Over 7000 stakeholders engaged through online channels.
Installation of 194 new EV charge points in 92 tourism businesses.
170 additional businesses achieving “green accreditation”.
Creation and ongoing development of online industry facing resources through dedicated Destination Net Zero space on visitscotland.org.
Delivery of a suite of research and evidence. These included informing on attitudes and industry capabilities around carbon reduction.