1. Marketing activity
Working with partners, we helped lead on a coordinated approach to make people aware about responsible tourism. Building on our experience of previous years, this resulted in the campaign Keep Scotland Unspoiled.
Keep Scotland Unspoiled used social media, local radio and digital marketing. It aimed to educate, inspire and inform people about issues such as:
- water safety, fire safety, dog control
- the need to adhere to the Scottish Outdoor Access Code
We used humour to convey our key messaging. We also ensured we set a more positive tone around the need to behave responsibly when visiting outdoor places.
As part of our efforts this year to reach younger audiences, we also worked with some of Scotland’s top travel influencers. They created content for their channels themed around the key topics.
More information about Keep Scotland Unspoiled.
2. Media toolkit
We created a dedicated a free media toolkit with films, images, content, and more. The tourism industry (business and stakeholders) can use it across their own social media activity and marketing.
It contains a wide range of useful content related to responsible tourism, such as:
- camping
- fire safety
- litter
- motorhoming
- outdoor access
- responsible dog walking
- water safety
Browse our media toolkit.