Can you tell us about what your job involves?
I have worked at Abbotsford, the home of Sir Walter Scott, for eight years now as Collections and Interpretation Manager. One of the things I relish most about my post is its variety; I lead on the conservation and protection of our historic buildings, gardens and estate, and manage, curate and care for the Scott family collection and archive, but I am also responsible for our visitor interpretation and heritage storytelling across the site, ensuring that everything that we do is infused with the ‘Scott spirit’ that is unique to Abbotsford.
As we emerge from a very turbulent period of world events, the calls on my time are increasingly creative to help support developmental aspirations within the organisation as we look at new ways of doing things, design new experiences for our visitors and unearth extraordinary stories to tell. It is my role to answer those key questions - what, why and how we deliver immersive, emotive, and memorable experiences for everyone who chooses to visit us so that they can benefit from the legacy that we care for, an aim at the heart of our charitable mission. Abbotsford was conceived of as an homage to the past, but also as an innovative and state of the art home and we want to continue that spirit of innovation wherever possible.
Often in the organisation I am referred to as ‘the voice of Scott’, which is always slightly alarming for a thirty-something woman, though I haven’t yet dressed up as the ‘Wizard of the North’! Give it time….